The MapClient-iPlug fetches a list of WMS (Web Map Service) capability documents, transforms them to ISO Metadata connects the data to the InGrid data space.
- harvests and transforms a list of Web Map Service capabilities at a certain schedule
- flexible indexing functionality
- provides search functionality on the harvested data
- GUI for easy administration
- a running InGrid Software System
Download from
build from source with mvn package assembly:single
java -jar ingrid-iplug-dsc-mapclient-x.x.x-installer.jar
and follow the install instructions.
Obtain further information at (sorry only in German)
- Issue Tracker:
- Source Code:
mvn eclipse:eclipse
and import project into eclipse.
- execute
mvn install
to expand the base web application - set up a java application Run Configuration with start class
- add the VM argument
to the Run Configuration - add src/main/resources to class path
- the admin gui starts per default on port 8082, change this with VM argument
If you are having issues, please let us know:
The project is licensed under the EUPL license.