In this project I have automated web application using Selenium and TestNG.
- sendkeys
- getText()
- Click
- Assertion
- iFrame Handling
- Hover Handling
- Checkbox
- Dropdown
- Visit the website
- Print the homepage title, category and verify the page title
- Select the category by handing hover
- Select the category of product by clicking checkbox
- Open the product info for add to cart
- Login with info by iframe handling
- Inserting the address info using dropdown function
- Logout
- Test tool: Selenium
- Language: Java
- Framework: TestNG
- IDE: Eclipse
- Open/install Java JDK 8 version on your PC
- Install Maven on your PC
- Install TestNG on your IDE
- Install Eclipse/STS or any other IDE
- Setup Java, Maven environment on your PC
- Chrome driver match with your browser
- Right Click to Project
- Then select Run as TestNG
- Run the Test Case
- Close the program