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Building User Guide

Anton Kolesov edited this page Mar 15, 2018 · 4 revisions

ARC GNU IDE documentation has been moved to

Project Build Settings

To see your project build settings, right click on your project and select Properties from the pop-up menu. In the appeared dialog choose C/C++ Build > Settings, then select Tool Settings tab.

Project Build Settings page

Project Build Settings page

At the left of the tab there is a list of tools which are used to build your project and Target Processor, Debugging and Additional Tools pages. For each of the listed tools there are some pages where you can set properties for these tools.

Target Processor Page

On this page there are properties that describe your target. These properties are different for different processors.

Target Processor Page for ARC HS

Target Processor Page for ARC HS

CPU option

CPU option for ARC 600 and ARC 700 has only one value, but for ARC EM there are several possible values: arcem, em, em4, em4_dmips, em4_fpus and em4_fpuda. Possible values for ARC HS CPU are archs, hs, hs34, hs38 and hs38_linux. For each of these values there are precompiled standard libraries that use some other target options. For example, if you choose hs34 as you CPU, standard library that uses atomic functions and multiply option "mpy" will be used. Values of these options are set in IDE when CPU is selected and can not be changed to weaker values without changing CPU. For example, if DP FPU is selected as a result of selecting CPU, you can not change it to any of SP FPU values or "None", but you can change it to DP FPU with extensions.

ARC HS Target Processor Page with hs34 selected as CPU value ARC HS Target Processor Page with hs34 selected as CPU value

Here are the options that are required for each of CPU values:

CPU Multiply FPU Barrel shifter Code density Integer divide Bitscan Swap
arcem wlh1 none + + - - -
em none none - - - - -
em4 none none - + - - -
em4_dmips wlh1 none + + + + +
em4_fpus wlh1 SP FPU + + + + +
em4_fpuda wlh1 FPU with double assist + + + + +
CPU Multiply FPU Integer divide 64-bit load/store Atomic
archs mpy none + + +
hs none none - - -
hs34 mpy none - - +
hs38 plus_qmacw none + + +
hs38_linux plus_qmacw DP FPU with all extensions + + +

Note that if you use TCF to provide target options, there are no checks that option values are consistent with CPU and you can specify there values that are weaker than CPU value requires. So please be careful when editing TCFs.

Other options and TCF

  • Endianness is set when you choose a toolchain for your project and can not be changed.
  • Other architecture options you can either set manually or choose a TCF file for used CPU core (available only for ARC EM and HS), which will set these options automatically. The only option that is not set automatically by selecting a TCF file is ABI selection option, which is available only for ARC HS processors.

Target Processor Page for ARC HS with TCF checkbox selected

Target Processor Page for ARC HS with TCF checkbox selected

It is recommended to use TCF files, because they are generated from the Build Configuration Registers and thus most reliably describe target core. TCF files are provided by your chip designer.

To see which options are set automatically if TCF is chosen, you can select a tool from the list on the left of the dialog and see the list of options to be passed to this tool in the All options field.

List of all the options to be passed to compiler

List of all the options to be passed to compiler

If TCF is selected, Use memory map from TCF checkbox becomes enabled. If you check Use memory map from TCF box, memory map from TCF file will be passed to the linker.

Note that templates from AXS10x Projects and EM Starter Kit Projects already contain memory maps that are used if no other is provided. However, this is true only for Hello World for EM SK and Empty Project For templates, but not Empty Project ones. Empty Project templates are generated automatically by Eclipse and do not contain any specific information.

Memory map for Hello World for EM SK 2.1 Project

Memory map for Hello World for EM SK 2.1 Project