This is still work in progress, but you should be able to deploy a cluster with this setup.
Feel free to fork and send pull requests for any improvements.
node kazoonode inherits common {
$cookie = 'change_me'
$rabbitmq_ip = ''
$freeswitch_nodes = {
'fs01' => {
'ip' => '',
'hostname' => ''
'fs02' => {
'ip' => '',
'hostname' => ''
$bigcouch_nodes = {
'db01' => {
'ip' => '',
'hostname' => ''
'db02' => {
'ip' => '',
'hostname' => ''
node '' inherits kazoonode {
class { 'kazoo::whapps':
cookie => $cookie,
rabbitmq_ip => '',
bigcouch_nodes => $bigcouch_nodes,
freeswitch_nodes => $freeswitch_nodes
class { 'kazoo::ui': }
node '' inherits kazoonode {
class { 'kazoo::freeswitch':
cookie => $cookie,
rabbitmq_ip => $rabbitmq_ip,
bigcouch_nodes => $bigcouch_nodes
node '' inherits kazoonode {
class { 'kazoo::freeswitch':
cookie => $cookie,
rabbitmq_ip => $rabbitmq_ip,
bigcouch_nodes => $bigcouch_nodes
node '' inherits kazoonode {
class { 'kazoo::bigcouch':
cookie => $cookie,
is_primary => true,
bigcouch_nodes => $bigcouch_nodes
node '' inherits kazoonode {
class { 'kazoo::bigcouch':
cookie => $cookie,
bigcouch_nodes => $bigcouch_nodes
Follow the post installation instructions provided by 2600hz:
- Improve configuration
- Improve rabbitmq implementation
- Test