This package integrates the API with your Magento shop. It synchronizes customer and order data and adds the Widget to the front-end. The package is tested in Magento 1.9.
You will need your Belco Shop ID and API secret to complete the setup, which you can find in your Belco settings under 'Api keys'.
Composer is the prefered way to install our plugin.
composer require forwarder/belco-magento
If composer throws an error, run this command
composer config repositories.belco git
or add this to your composer.json file manually
"repositories": [
"belco": {
"type": "git"
You can also use modman to install the plugin.
- Log in to your Magento backend.
- Go to
System > Configuration > > Settings
- Enter your
Shop ID
andAPI secret
- Click
Save Config
If you're having problems after installing the package, try to log out and log in again.
The code is licensed under the GPL v3 licence