This is some kind of school project, more information incoming...
You can run tests using the following command at the root of this project, as long as you are having at least JDK 8 :
./gradlew test
You can run the project using :
# Still to determine...
Current state is kinda awful, a lot of refactoring is needed as the first version that I had was actually pretty awful POO-wise.
The first version should be ready for 2022/02/20
It should contain everything related to the algorithmic...
I currently have :
- Working map generation
- A first work on the StageBuilder
I still lack :
- The entity AI (Should not take to long as A* is implemented)
- The room discovering
- A lot of tests
The commit history is currently a mess as I failed to do things one at a time... :#
The second version should be ready for the end of the project :
It should contain everything related to the UI.
You can take a look at the UML right here :
Here's an UML of what's currently (at least partially) implemented :
Both images are available with a better resolution respectively here for the prototype and here for the 'currently implemented'.
Dependencies added :
This is a dependency used for the TDD part allowing us to mock data more easily
Known algorithms used :
Getting the shortest path to create the corridors
- LPA* (Not yet implemented)
Getting the shortest path for every unit on the map