Jira Command line client used to drive jira REST api.
jira-cli <command> [options]
jira-cli filter <filter_id> # print filtered issues
jira-cli filters # print current user existing filters
jira-cli help [COMMAND] # Describe available commands or one specific command
jira-cli issue <issue_id> # print information about specified issue
jira-cli issue_transitions <issue_id> # list available transitions for specified issue
jira-cli myself # print print information about current user
jira-cli show_filter # print information about the informed filter
jira-cli transition <issue_id> <transition id or name> # transition a issue to another state
[--format=FORMAT] # output format for query commands: json, yaml, kv or tp
# Default: kv
clone repository bundle install edit config/environments.yml add it to your PATH.
Still in development: but it will be finished very soon.
Expect change in the issue
command params and output of all commands.