This script replaces all obsidian-style links in a file, or folder with 'proper' markdown links.
More simple links (without a #chapter, or |replacename) are of course also possible.
inline-html images currently don't work in Obsidian, only in most other markdown editors (and Github). To stop the html-image conversion, set the variable on top of the script to false
The goal of this script is to be very light weight, compared to other big obsidian plugins, that exist. This is also why
is the only required file to ensure functionality. Make sure that is has execution rights with chmod +x
before using it.
Provide a file, or folder as the first argument:
./ folder-name/
Changes are made in-place.
It is recommended to create a backup before using the script, just in case...
- some special case was not concidered in the script
- some conversion did not go as you wanted it