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Swift5 API client for ForestVPNAPI

ForestVPN defeats content restrictions and censorship to deliver unlimited access to video, music, social media, and more, from anywhere in the world.


This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the openapi-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.

  • API version: 2.0
  • Package version:
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.Swift5ClientCodegen For more information, please visit



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Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
AppleAPI verifyAppStoreReceipt POST /purchase/apple/verify/ App store receipt verification
AuthAPI migrateLegacyAuth GET /legacy/auth/ Legacy auth migration
AuthAPI whoAmI GET /auth/whoami/ Who am I
BillingAPI listBillingFeatures GET /billing/features/ Billing feature list
DeviceAPI createDevice POST /devices/ Create new device
DeviceAPI createDevicePortForwarding POST /devices/{deviceID}/port-forwarding/ Create new device port forwarding
DeviceAPI deleteDevice DELETE /devices/{deviceID}/ Delete Device
DeviceAPI deleteDevicePortForwarding DELETE /devices/{deviceID}/port-forwarding/{portForwardingID}/ Delete Device's Port Forwarding
DeviceAPI getDevice GET /devices/{deviceID}/ Device Info
DeviceAPI getDeviceStats GET /devices/{deviceID}/stats/{statsID}/ Device's stats detail
DeviceAPI getDeviceWireGuard GET /devices/{deviceID}/wireguards/{wireGuardID}/ Device's wireguard profile detail
DeviceAPI listDeviceBindings GET /devices/{deviceID}/bindings/ Device bindings
DeviceAPI listDeviceConnectionModes GET /devices/{deviceID}/connection-modes/ Device connection modes
DeviceAPI listDeviceDetailStats GET /devices/{deviceID}/detail-stats/ Device's detail stats list
DeviceAPI listDevicePortForwardings GET /devices/{deviceID}/port-forwarding/ Device Port Forwarding List
DeviceAPI listDeviceStats GET /devices/{deviceID}/stats/ Device's stats list
DeviceAPI listDeviceWireGuardPeers GET /devices/{deviceID}/wireguards/{wireGuardID}/peers/ Device's wireguard peers
DeviceAPI listDeviceWireGuards GET /devices/{deviceID}/wireguards/ Device's wireguard profiles list
DeviceAPI listDevices GET /devices/ Device List
DeviceAPI updateDevice PATCH /devices/{deviceID}/ Update device properties
DeviceAPI updateDevicePortForwarding PATCH /devices/{deviceID}/port-forwarding/{portForwardingID}/ Update device's port forwarding
FcmAPI createFCMDevice POST /notification/fcm/ Device registration for push notification through out Firebase Cloud Messaging
FcmAPI deleteFCMDevice DELETE /notification/fcm/{registrationID}/ Delete fcm device
FcmAPI getFCMDevice GET /notification/fcm/{registrationID}/ Device info
FcmAPI updateFCMDevice PATCH /notification/fcm/{registrationID}/ Update device fcm properties
FriendshipAPI acceptFriendshipInvitation PATCH /friendship/invitations/{code}/ Accept friendship invitation
FriendshipAPI createFriendshipInvitation POST /friendship/invitations/ Create friendship invitation
FriendshipAPI deleteFriend DELETE /friendship/friends/{id}/ Delete friend
FriendshipAPI getFriend GET /friendship/friends/{id}/ Friend details
FriendshipAPI getFriendshipInvitation GET /friendship/invitations/{code}/ Friendship invitation details
FriendshipAPI listFriends GET /friendship/friends/ Get friends list
FriendshipAPI rejectFriendshipInvitation DELETE /friendship/invitations/{code}/ Reject friendship invitation
GeoAPI listLocations GET /locations/ Location list
GoogleAPI verifyPlayStorePurchase POST /purchase/google/verify/ Play store purchase verification
WireguardAPI getWireGuardPeerInfo GET /wireguard/peers/{pubKey}/ Wireguard peer info
WireguardAPI listWireGuardPeers GET /wireguard/peers/ Wireguard peers list

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization


  • Type: HTTP basic authentication


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: Authorization
  • Location: HTTP header
