a simple gif generator, which can edit video and do some image enhancement and segmentation
After open a file, you can use pin
button to record target video, after recording, click complete
to enter edit mode, then you can do some image enhancement and effect. After editing, click save
to save GIF. You can click stop
& play
to stop/play video at any time.
if recorded frames are smaller than 24, it will be view as photo and only record first image * 24 times = 24 frames you can change play speed(delay) in
Nagative film
Gamma Correction
paramater: Gamma (default:20)
Light Flash: a flashlight like light implement on image
paramater: Flash duration ( Every few frames) (default:5)
Shake: (animation) image shake
paramater: Shake level(a few pixels)(default:5)
Slide: (animation) image slide to specify direction
paramater: Slide Direction(default:right)
Segmenatation : to do person segmenatation
paramater: Background color(default:#000000)
foreground: change foreground image and add some simple animation
chose animation then chose the image wanted and click the button
background: change background image and add some simple animation
chose animation then chose the image wanted and click the button
Gaussian Blur
paramater: Kernel Size(default:7)
Canny Edge Detect
paramater: Lower And Upper Bound(default:30,160)
Gaussian Noise
paramater: Noise Level(Range:0-255)(default:40)
White Point Noise :special effect
paramater: Update Duration(default:3)
Add text: add text on image
paramater: string(default:1 6 3 b r a c e s), font-size(default: 48), text-color(default: #cd8068), text-position(default: (250,200)),font (choose on listbox)
download and install dependency package, and use python compiler to run Main.py
MIT license
NCU(tw) CSIE undergraduate
YuWei, Chen