Releases: foldynl/QLog
- [NEW] Bandmap shows XIT/RIT Freq
- [NEW] Bandmap RX Mark Center (issue #69)
- [NEW] Getting PTT State from RIG - only for CAT-controlled rigs
- [NEW] PTT Shortcut - only for CAT-controlled rigs
- Fixed Lost internet connection is not detected properly (issue #56)
- Fixed Cannot manually edit QSO Date&Time (issue #66)
- Fixed Field contents in capital letters (issue #67)
- Fixed Band RX is not updated when RX Freq is edited (issue #72)
- Fixed Stat Windget does not handle a date range correctly (issue #73)
- Fixed eQSL card is incorrectly handled when a callsign contains special characters (issue #74)
Windows Libraries:
Qt 5.15.2
openssl 1.1.1o
hamlib 4.4
qtkeychain 0.13.2
Timezone DB: 2021c (
Windows 10: below
Fedora 35: below
Ubuntu 20.04, 21.10, 22.04: via PPA (
- [NEW] User-defined Spot Alerts
- [NEW] User filter contains a new operator "Starts with"
- [NEW] a real local time is shown for the DX callsign (issue #45)
- [NEW] Lotw/eQSL registration info is showed from callbooks
- [NEW] Added shortcuts for menu and tabs
- [NEW] Bandmap - Switching a band view via Bandmap context menu (issue #57)
- [CHANGED] - Network Notification format
- logid field is included in all messages
- Fixed issue with My Notes multiple lines edit/show mode (issue 39)
- Fixed issue when GUI froze when Rig disconnect was called (issue #50)
- Partially fixed a high CPU load when DXC is processed (issue #52)
- Fixed crashes under Debian "bullseye" - 32bit (issue #55)
- Fixed Bandmap Callsign selection margin (issue #61)
- Fixed issue when it was not possible to enter RX/TX freq manually
Windows Libraries:
Qt 5.15.2
openssl 1.1.1o (UPDATED)
hamlib 4.4
qtkeychain 0.13.2
Timezone DB: 2021c (
Windows 10: below
Fedora 35: below
Ubuntu 20.04, 21.10, 22.04: via PPA (
- RIT/XIT offset enable/disable detection (issue #26)
- Fixed Rig Setting, Data Bits (issue #28)
- Added default PWR for Rig profile (issue #30)
- Fixed issue when GUI freezes during Rig connection (issue #32 & #33)
- Fixed issue with an incorrect value of A-Index (issue #34)
- Fixed ADI Import - incorrect _INTL fields import (issue #35)
- Fixed issue with an editing of bands in Setting dialog (#issue 36)
- Fixed issue with hamlib when get_pwr crashes for a network rig (issue #37)
- Improved new QSO fields are filled from prev QSO (issue #40)
- Added mode for a network Rig (issue #41)
- Fixed warning - processing a new request but the previous one hasn't been completed (issue #42)
- Fixed Info widget when Country name is long (issue #43)
- Reordered column visibility Tabs (issue #46)
- Improved Rig tunning when XIT/RIT is enabled (issue #47)
Windows Libraries:
Qt 5.15.2
openssl 1.1n
hamlib 4.4 (UPDATED)
qtkeychain 0.13.2
Windows 10: below
Fedora 35: below (NEW - FC34 will not be prepared in the future)
Ubuntu 20.04, 21.10, 22.04: via PPA (
- [NEW] Ant/Rig/Rot Profiles
- [NEW] Rig widget shows additional information
- [NEW] Rig widget Band/Mode/Profile Changer
- [NEW] Rot profile Changer
- [NEW] AZ/EL are stored when Rot is connected
- Fixed an issue with the Statistic widget (issue #25)
- Fixed Rot AZ current value (issue #22)
Notes: Unfortunately, due to the incompatibility of new and old profiles, old profiles are not converted to new ones. Please update your Rig / Rot / Ant profiles manually. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Windows Libraries:
Qt 5.15.2
openssl 1.1n (UPDATED)
hamlib 4.3.1
qtkeychain 0.13.2
Windows 10: below
Fedora 34: below
Ubuntu 20.04, 21.10, 22.04: via PPA (
- Fixed missing modes in Setting Dialog (issue #11)
- Fixed Station Profile text color in dark mode (issue #10)
- Fixed DXCluster Server Combo (issue #12)
- Fixed TAB focus on QSO Fields (issue #14)
Windows Libraries:
Qt 5.15.2
openssl 1.1m
hamlib 4.3.1
qtkeychain 0.13.2
Windows 10: below
Fedora 34: below
Ubuntu 20.04, 21.10, 22.04: via PPA (
- [NEW] QSL - added import a file with QSL - with QSLr column
- Fixed QLog start when Band is 3cm (too long start time due to the Bandmap drawing) (issue #6)
- Fixed Rotator Widget Warning - map transformation issue (issue #8)
- Changed Bandmap window narrow size (issue #3)
- Changed User Filter Widget size
- Removed Units from Logbook widget
- Removed UTC string
- Renamed RSTs, RSTr etc. (issue #4)
- Renamed Main Menu Services->Service and Station->Equipment
- Internal - reworked Service networking signal handling
Windows Libraries:
- Qt 5.15.2
- openssl 1.1m
- hamlib 4.3.1
- qtkeychain 0.13.2
Windows 10: below
Fedora 34: below
Ubuntu 20.04: via PPA (
- DB: Started to use *_INTL fields
- DB: Added all ADIF-supported modes/submodes
- GUI: Dark Mode
- GUI: TIme format controlled by Locale
- Import/Export: ADI do not export UTF-8 characters and *_INTL fields
- Import/Export: ADX exports UTF-8 characters and *_INTL fields
- Import/Export: Added Import of ADX file format
- Logbook: Shows QSO summary as a Callsign's tooltip
- Logbook: QSO time is shown with seconds; added timezone
- New QSO: Added My notes - free text for your personal notes
- Backup: Change backup format form ADI to ADX (ADX supports UTF-8)
- Settings: WSJTX Port is changable
- Windows: Qt 5.15.2, VSC 2019
Windows Libraries:
- Qt 5.15.2 (new)
- openssl 1.1m
- hamlib 4.3.1
- qtkeychain 0.13.2
Windows 10: below
Fedora 34: below
Ubuntu 20.04: via PPA (
- Rework Station Profile - stored in DB, new fields
- Added VUCC fields support
- Added BandMap marks (CTRL+M)
- Clublog is uploaded the same way as EQSL and LOTW (modified QSO are resent)
- Clublog real-time upload is temporary disabled
- Added QRZ suppor - upload QSO and Callsign query
- Callbook cooperation - Primary&Secondary - Secondary used when Primary did not find
QLog v0.2.0 Release
- Initial fork changes
- Changed Logging format (Time + severity + context)
- Added Application singleton
- GUI Tweaking
- Changed Tab-key behaviour
- DXC Widget
- manu others
- DXCCInfo is clean correctly when callsign is reset
- Password are stored in a Secure Storage
- Changed sorting criteria for BandFilter Combobox [Logbook View]
- Added DXCluster Filters - Context Menu of the DXC
- DXCluster spot time in UTC
- Changed Style for Enable/Disable column in QTableView (Checkbox)
- Fixed issue when mode combo is not refreshed after editing modes
in Setting Dialog - Database export to ADIF before starting
- Added Splashscreen
- Hamlib rework
- Reworked Hamlib Setting Dialog
- Detailed Setting for Serial Port
- Added Network Radio/Rot Support
- Connect/Disconnect Rig and Rot
- Improved Error Handling from Rig/Rot
- Fixed Setting freq/mode/submode from/to GUI
- Debug mode is more verbose and controled by QT_LOGGING_RULES variable
- BandMap automatically clear spots when Aging Time is enabled
- BandMap band is set based on NewContact Widget frequency
- Many changes and improvements in LogWindow
- Minor changes in the input QSO forms
- Changed Editing QSO flow
- Full ADIF parsing and storing
- Added Column Visibility Setting
- Added DEB control files
- CTY is updated regularly
- Main&NewContact Window reworking
- Removed Contest Tab
- Saving correct values for PROPMODE, QSL Sent/RCVD, SATs, IOTA, SOTA
SIG, SIG_INFO, DOK - Added k-index, SFI saving
- Added my Ant parameter
- LoTW Import/Export is verified and improved
- Added Rig offset support (support for Transverters)
- Added Station Location Profiles
- Added User-defined filters
- Added eQSL upload/download ADIF, download QSL Image
- Added Online Map Widget
- Reworked WSJTX Widget
- Added Spot Aging
- Sorted based on Last Activity Time
- Reworked Stats
- Added Awards
- Added Czech Translation