(or fnr1r or fnr1r0, depending on the platform)
I live in the hellscape called Poland and work on random (sometimes useful) projects.
I usually write them in either Rust or Python.
- kadishutu - Save editor for Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance
- term-detect - Terminal emulator detector for Rust
- regfile - .REG file parser for Python
- bluetoothsync - A program that synchronizes bluetooth keys between supported platforms
- Magisk Sudo - A simple script that runs a command as root
- nds-nagito - Nagito Komaeda on the Nintendo DS
- instaling-bot.js (private) - Self-learning Instaling bot in javascript
- gwoapps-data (private) - too private to explain
- instaling-themes - Themes for Insta.Ling