The simplest way to jump between directories.
pip install xontrib-simplejump
I wanted a simple and efficient alternative to z, fasd and other jump scripts.
simplejump algorithm:
- on directory change: associate the base name to the full path of a dir in simplejump dict
- on user search: return the exact match or the smaller partial match from simplejump dict
- on tabcomplete: return the list of simplejump dict keys that match the command prefix
- on shell init: load the dict from simplejump file or an empty dict
- on shell exit: store the dict in simplejump file using json format
simplejump design:
- keys/names are case insensitive, values/paths are case sensitive
simplejump vars:
- simplejump file: $SIMPLEJUMP_FILE
- simplejump dict: $SIMPLEJUMP_DICT
simplejump file:
- simplejump file: ~/.simplejump
simplejump [DIR]