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Francois Mauger edited this page Jul 16, 2024 · 4 revisions


Parent class for time-dependent Schrödinger-equation (TDSE) propagators using a symplectic split-operator scheme.


QMol_TDSE_sympSplitOp defines an abstract class for the time propagation of Schrodinger equation models using symplectic split-operator schemes, as discussed in [Mauger 2024]. It is designed to be agnostic of the model dimension and spin polarized or restricted configuration but requires a grid discretization. QMol_TDSE_sympSplitOp overloads the QMol_TDSE class. Here we only document the new or overloaded properties and methods specific to the QMol_TDSE_sympSplitOp. We provide a quick overview of the handful of implementation-specific (for a given dimension) required to enable symplectic split-operator schemes in the QMol-grid package.

Table of Contents


Class properties

Time propagation

Other hidden class properties

Class methods

Initializing the object

  Choice of gauge

  External-field components used in simulations

  Other initialization methods

Run-time documentation

TDSE propagation

Enabling implementation-specific symplectic split-operator schemes

Test suite



Class properties

Time propagation


Splitting motif [ 'VTV' (default) | 'TVT' ]

  • Whether the splitting starts with applying the potential ('VTV') or kinetic ('TVT') part of the Schrodinger-equation Hamiltonian.

externalFieldGauge (EFG)

Gauge in which the external driving field is described [ [] (default) | 'none' | 'length' | 'velocity' ]

  • 'none' ignores any input external field and propagates the field-free TDSE dynamics

potentialVector (FA)

Potential vector of the external driving field [ [] (default) | function handle | griddedInterpolant ]

  • For developers: When initializing the class, non-empty potentialVector is moved into the externalField property object (if needed creating the object first). During run time, FA contains the value of the potential vector used in the propagation (where relevant).

electricField (FE)

Electric field of the external driving field [ [] (default) | function handle | griddedInterpolant ]

  • For developers: When initializing the class, non-empty electricField is moved into the externalField property object (if needed creating the object first). During run time, FE contains the value of the electric field used in the propagation (where relevant).

electricFieldDerivative (FDE)

Derivative of the electric field of the external driving field [ [] (default) | function handle | griddedInterpolant ]

  • For developers: When initializing the class, non-empty electricFieldDerivative is moved into the externalField property object (if needed creating the object first). During run time, FDE contains the value of the derivative of the electric field used in the propagation (where relevant).


Time step for used for copmuting derivatives [ nonnegative scalar (default 1e-5) ]

Other hidden class properties

QMol_TDSE_sympSplitOp defines a handful of additional hidden properties used for the time propagation. These properties cannot be edited with the set method, nor by any function outisde of the object (SetAccess=protected attribute).


Selected splitting motif: true uses the VTV splitMotif and false the TVT one


Internal time variable, keeping track of the exact time within each propagation step


Current time step in propagator


Field gauge: 0 ignores any field, 1 uses the length gauge, and 2 uses the velocity gauge


Whether to use EF.potentialVector to get the potential vector (true) or compute it from the electric field (false), where relevant


Whether to use EF.electricField to get the electric field (true) or compute it from the potential vector (false), where relevant


Whether to use EF.electricFieldDerivative to get the derivative of the electric field (true) or compute it from the electric field or potential vector (false), where relevant


Autonomized-Hamiltonian energy coordinate


Keeping track of the current coefficients for the split kinetic (c_(1)) and potential (c_(2)) terms in the propagator


Exponentiated kinetic-term propagator


Exponentiated potential-term propagator


Number of wave functions.


Grid-discretization symplex volume (SE.disc.dx in 1D, SE.disc.dx*SE.disc.dy in 2D, and SE.disc.dx*SE.disc.dy* in 3D)


Holds memory when the projection of the wave functions is requested as an output


X-direction position operator


Y-direction position operator (in 2D and 3D only)


Z-direction position operator (in 3D only)

Class methods

Initializing the object

QMol_TDSE_sympSplitOp is initialized via QMol_TDSE's call to the initializeChildren method, which sets the proper run-time variables. Notably, when starting a TDSE propagation from scratch (non restart mode), it

  • Identifies the splitting motif,
  • Moves any potentialVector, electricField, or electricFieldDerivative into the external driving field object externalField.
  • Identifies the gauge
  • Determines which (if any) external-field components should be used in the propagation

Choice of gauge

If no specific gauge is specified with externalFieldGauge, the selected gauge is

  • Length gauge if externalField.electricField is a function handle, otherwise
  • Velocity gauge if externalField.potentialVector is a function handle, otherwise
  • Length gauge if externalField.electricField is a griddedInterpolant, otherwise
  • Velocity gauge if externalField.potentialVector is a griddedInterpolant, otherwise
  • Field free (ignore any input field)

External-field components used in simulations

Depending on the types of input, not all provided external-field may be used in the simulations. For the potential vector and electric field:

  • If both are provided as function handles, then externalField.electricField and externalField.potentialVector are called whenever the values for the potential vector or electric field are required. Note that the TDSE propagator does not check whether the provided potential vector and electric field are consistent with each other ($E(t)=-\partial_t A(t)$) and providing non-matching components will likely result in erroneous results. Otherwise,
  • If only one of them is provided as a function handle, then both the potential vector and electric field are computed from that same function handle (see below for details on how this is done). Otherwise,
  • In the length gauge, if externalField.electricField is a griddedInterpolant then it is used to compute both the electric field and potential vector, otherwise externalField.potentialVector is used to compute them both.
  • In the velocity gauge, if externalField.potentialVector is a griddedInterpolant then it is used to compute both the electric field and potential vector, otherwise externalField.electricField is used to compute them both.
  • If none of the externalField.electricField and externalField.potentialVector are defined, the TDSE propagation is performed field free irrespective of the choice of externalFieldGauge and even if an externalField.electricFieldDerivative is defined.

The choice of ignoring some (interpolated) input fields is to ensure the self-consistency of the TDSE dynamics, and associated observables, during the numerical propagation. To force using an interpolated field input, one can encapsulate it into a function handle @(t) interpolatedField(t).

For the electric-field derivative:

  • If externalField.electricFieldDerivative is defined as a function handle, then externalField.electricFieldDerivative is called when the derivative of the electric field is required.
  • Otherwise the electric-field derivative is numerically computed from externalField.electricField or externalField.potentialVector, depending on which field component(s) are being used in the TDSE propagation.

Numerical computation of missing or ignored field components:

  • Where required, the potential vector is computed from the electric field using a Simpson's 1/3 quadrature rule.
  • Where required, the electric field is computed from the potential vector using a second-order centered finite difference with diffDT time step.
  • Where required, the electric field derivative is computed from the electric field or the potential vector using a second-order centered finite difference with diffDT time step.

Other initialization methods

These methods are defined with a protected attribute

  • initializeChildren: Initializes the symplectic split-operator scheme
  • setOutputExternalField: Initializes and cleans up the external-field ioformation appended to the output external structures.
  • setOutputWaveFunction: Initializes and cleans up the output structure in which the saved wave functions and their projection are saved

Run-time documentation

These methods are defined with a protected attribute

  • getMemoryProfileWaveFunction: Estimates the memory footprint of saving the wave functions
  • getMemoryProfilePropagator: Estimates the memory footprint of the symplectic split-operator propagator
  • showDoc: Displays the part of the run-dime documentation describing the symplectic split-operator scheme

TDSE propagation

These methods are defined with a protected attribute

  • addOutputExternalField: Adds the external driving-field information to the named output structure.
  • saveOutputWaveFunction: Saves the wave functions and projection to their respective output structures
  • setExpT(obj,d): Sets the exponentiated kinetic-term propagator expT and intermediate-step coefficient d
  • setExpV(obj,c): Sets the exponentiated potential-term propagator expV and intermediate-step coefficient c

Enabling implementation-specific symplectic split-operator schemes

To enable symplectic split-operator schemes for a given implementation, one must implement a QMol_TDSE_SSO class overloading QMol_TDSE_sympSplitOp (classdef QMol_TDSE_SSO < QMol_TDSE_sympSplitOp) with the following signature and methods

methods (Access=protected)
function saveOutputIonization(obj,K,t) %=====================================

    % Compute ionization (if any)

    % Add external field
    if obj.sEF,         obj.addOutputExternalField('oIon',K,t);             end

    % Update counter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    obj.oIon.n          =   obj.oIon.n + 1;

function saveOutputDipole(obj,K,t) %=======================================

    % Dipole signal ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    if K == obj.oDip.ind(obj.oDip.n)
        % Compute dipole (if any)
        % Add external field
        if obj.sEF,         obj.addOutputExternalField('oDip',K,t);        end
        % Update counter
        obj.oDip.n      =   obj.oDip.n + 1;

    % Dipole velocity signal ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    if K == obj.oVel.ind(obj.oVel.n)
        % Compute dipole velocity (if any)
        % Add external field
        if obj.sEF,         obj.addOutputExternalField('oVel',K,t);        end

        % Update counter
        obj.oVel.n      =   obj.oVel.n + 1;

    % Dipole acceleration signal ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    if K == obj.oAcc.ind(obj.oAcc.n)
        % Compute dipole acceleration

        % Add external field
        if obj.sEF,         obj.addOutputExternalField('oAcc',K,t);        end

        % Update counter
        obj.oAcc.n      =   obj.oAcc.n + 1;
function [E,DE] = getExternalFieldEnergy(obj,~)

    % Compute the external-field energy
    % Autonomization
    DE                  =   obj.xi;

function applyExpT(obj) %==================================================
%applyExpT apply the Liouville operator for the kinetic term. Recall that 
%   obj.expT contains the exponentiated kinetic-term operator.

function applyExpV(obj) %==================================================
%applyExpV apply the Liouville operator for the potential term. Recall that
%   obj.expV, obj.expVup, and obj.expVdw contain the exponentiated 
%   potential-term operators.


Test suite

For consistency with the rest of the QMol-grid package, QMol_TDSE_sympSplitOp defines an associated test suite. Run the test suite for the class in normal or summary mode respectively with


See QMol_test for details regarding how to create a test suite for new classes.


[Mauger 2024] F. Mauger, C. Chandre, M.B. Gaarde, K. Lopata, and K.J. Schafer, "Hamiltonian formulation and symplectic split-operator schemes for time-dependent density-functional-theory equations of electron dynamics in molecules," Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 129, 107685 (2024).


  • QMol_TDSE_sympSplitOp was introduced in version 01.20
Density-functional theory (DFT)

$~~$ Hartree-Fock theory (HF)

Schrödinger equation (SE)
Time-dependent density-functional theory (TDDFT)
Time-dependent Schrödinger equation (TDSE)
External field
External components

$~~$ Documentation

$~~$ Test suite

For developers
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