fmBridgit is the combination of a FileMaker module and a JavaScript library file, that makes it easier to:
- perform a JavaScript in a WebViewer object on the layout of a FileMaker solution.
- wait for the result of this JavaScript
- perform a FileMaker script from your own JavaScript code in a WebViewer object in FileMaker
- "anticipate" for the result of this FileMaker script call by using a JavaScript callback function.
fmBridgit aims to be a simple, comprehensive and and portable framework. There's really not much you have to do, to start using it in your own FileMaker solutions. It is a work in progress though, as it started out as forum discussions on, Slack and Riot, and Jitsi video chats related to the 2020 event. It would never have been possible without prior work done in the community ( jquery, moment, and the JavaScript Promise examples by Andries which he did for a few years ago ).
Please report any issues you might encounter. We are already aware that things aren't running as well in Windows, something wrong with the Javascript Promise technique. But we are sure we will resolve these problems soon.