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Phylogenetic maximum representation sampling: choosing most representative strains or taxa


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If you use PARNAS, please cite it as
Markin, A., Wagle, S., Grover, S., Baker, A.L.V., Eulenstein, O. and Anderson, T.K. PARNAS: Objectively Selecting the Most Representative Taxa on a Phylogeny. Systematic Biology, 2023; syad028 doi: 10.1093/sysbio/syad028.

N.B. If you are are rescaling your tree using TreeTime within a PARNAS analysis, please also cite Sagulenko et al. 2018 doi: 10.1093/ve/vex042.

PARNAS identifies taxa that best represent diversity on a phylogenetic tree and can be used to

  • Select most representative taxa
  • Downsample a large phylogeny while optimally preserving the underlying diversity
  • Reduce redundancy among genetic/genomic sequences
  • Identify key diversity groups on a phylogeny
  • (*New) Evaluate how representative your set of taxa is

PARNAS can take into account previously used representatives and a wide range of user's constraints. The tool is flexible in allowing arbitrary weighing of taxa, e.g., based on abundance data, sequence quality, or phenotypic preferences. Additionally, PARNAS allows you to fine-tune representation definition with a custom sequence divergence threshold (radius).


PARNAS is available in PyPi and can be installed as pip install parnas. Note that PARNAS requires Python 3.7 or higher.

PARNAS depends on dendropy and Biopython for phylogenetic and MSA manipulations, numpy and numba for just-in-time compilation of the critical algorithms into machine code, and (optionally) phylo-treetime to infer ancestral substitutions along tree edges. These dependencies will be installed automatically.

Alternatively, to install PARNAS, clone or download this project and run python install.


PARNAS has the following three main use-cases.

  1. Optimal downsampling
  2. Selecting best representatives
  3. Clustering/partitioning the taxa

Optimal downsampling of large trees

PARNAS lets you downsample a large phylogeny, while preserving all the diversity up to a user-specified threshold.

In particular, if you have a threshold parameter (e.g., 1% sequence divergence on a tree) PARNAS selects the smallest subset of taxa so that all other taxa are within that threshold distance to a representative.

The typical application of this feature is downscaling large densely-sampled trees. In this example we will use a (human) H1N1pdm influenza A dataset with 12,000 taxa. We optimally downsample it while preserving all diversity up to 99.5% sequence similarity, as follows:

parnas -t genbank_H1N1pdm_USA.rooted.tre --cover --radius 0.005 --subtree H1N1pdm.r005.tre

This results in a tree with only 443 taxa! Note that 0.005 distance on a maximum likelihood phylogeny serves here as a proxy for the 0.5% sequence divergence. A downsampled tree will be saved to a new H1N1pdm.r005.tre file. The initial 12,000 taxa tree (genbank_H1N1pdm_USA.rooted.tre) can be found in the tutorial folder.

Below we discuss how PARNAS selects most representative taxa.

Selecting best representatives

We use a human H1N1pdm dataset with HA sequences collected in 2020, downloaded from IRD, for this tutorial. The alignment and an inferred rooted tree can be found in the tutorial folder.

The basic usage of PARNAS is to find a fixed number of representative taxa, as follows:
parnas -t H1N1_human_2020_IRD.rooted.tre -n 3 --color "H1N1_parnas_n3.tre"
PARNAS will identify 3 best representative strains and save a colored tree to H1N1_parnas_n3.tre. Opening this tree in FigTree, will show the representatives and their respective clusters of strains with different colors. Below is the H1N1_parnas_n3.tre output tree, when opened in FigTree. Each color corresponds to one PARNAS-selected representative and the area of the tree it represents.

Additionally, in the output PARNAS specifies the amount of overall diversity covered by the chosen representatives, which is 43% for our dataset.

Determining the right number of representatives

The "diversity covered" metric calculated by PARNAS is a useful tool to determine how many representatives is sufficient. To find the amount of diversity covered by different numbers of representatives, you can choose a large enough n, e.g., n=20, and run
parnas -t H1N1_human_2020_IRD.rooted.tre -n 20 --diversity "diversity_scores.csv"
This command will save a CSV file with optimal diversity scores for n between 2 and 20. For our dataset, it shows that only 6 representative strains are needed to cover over 60% of the overall diversity. Opening the CSV file in Excel/Numbers, one can then construct the following graph to better visualize the data.

Using prior representatives

It often may be useful to find new representatives, while specifying the previous taxa/strains that were treated as representatives. In our H1N1 dataset, we included two latest H1N1 vaccine strains, A/Wisconsin/588/2019 and A/Hawaii/70/2019. Using PARNAS we can fix these two strains as 'prior' representatives and find new representatives, so that old and new representatives work optimally together. We use --prior option to notify PARNAS of the two vaccine strains by specifying a regular expression matching their names in our dataset (which start with "Vaccine|"):
parnas -t H1N1_human_2020_IRD.rooted.tre -n 3 --prior "Vaccine.*" --color "H1N1_parnas_n3_vaccines.tre"
The result is shown in a tree below. PARNAS colors the prior representatives and the respective parts of the tree in red.

Specifying a coverage radius

You can notify PARNAS that a single taxon 'covers' other taxa within a fixed radius (using --radius option). PARNAS will then find representatives, which together cover as much diversity as possible. Alternatively, PARNAS can find the minimum number of representatives that jointly cover all diversity on the tree (--cover option). This feature can be used to optimally reduce the redundancy in your dataset. Moreover, this feature was motivated by applications in virology, where evolutionary distance often correlates with antigenic drift. For example, in swine influenza A virus research, 5% (amino acid) divergence between HA sequences is considered a correlate of loss in cross-reactivity between strains. Therefore, specifying a radius on a tree corresponding to ~4% sequence divergence, can help identify good vaccine candidates.

To further facilitate this process, PARNAS can take amino acid sequence alignment and pass it to TreeTime to find ancestral AA substitutions along the tree edges. It will then re-scale the tree, so that edge lengths will reflect the number of substitutions along that edge, which will help specify a 4% divergence radius in terms of the # of amino acid substitutions.

parnas -t H1N1_human_2020_IRD.rooted.tre --cover --threshold 96 --aa H1N1_human_2020_IRD.ha1.aln --color "parnas_96coverage.tre"

In the above command we pass the AA alignment of HA1 sequences from our dataset with the --aa option, and specify the 96% threshold (i.e., 4% sequence divergence). Note that --threshold works as a substitute for --radius, when you would like PARNAS to use the alignment information and re-scale the tree. Running this command will show that a single strain (A/Wisconsin/32/2020) is sufficient to cover all diversity on our tree.

Next, we use a more restrictive threshold of 97% and also add the vaccine strains as the prior representatives. This way PARNAS can indicate the areas of the tree, which are not covered by the vaccine strains and suggest new representatives to complement the vaccine strains.

parnas -t H1N1_human_2020_IRD.rooted.tre --cover --threshold 97 --aa H1N1_human_2020_IRD.ha1.aln --color "parnas_97coverage_vaccines.tre" --prior "Vaccine.*"

Opening parnas_97coverage_vaccines.tre in FigTree will show us that there are two clades in the tree, which are not covered by vaccine strains (the green and blue clades). Note that the tree was re-scaled by PARNAS.

Other functionality

  • Specify weights for taxa, so that taxa/strains with larger weights are better represented.
  • Flexibly exclude taxa to either fully ignore them or to not consider them as potential representatives.

Clustering/tree partitioning using PARNAS

All the above examples result not only in a subset of representative taxa, but also in a tree partitioned into meaningful clusters. The taxa in each of those clusters are exactly what one of the selected representatives represents/covers. As sometimes the clustering may be a goal on its own, we provide an option to output the clusters in a convenient format.

For example, the 99.5% partitioning of a 12,000 H1N1pdm tree from above can be saved using the --clusters option as follows:

parnas -t genbank_H1N1pdm_USA.rooted.tre --cover --radius 0.005 --subtree H1N1pdm.r005.tre --clusters

This results in a tab-delimited file, where taxa beloning to the same cluster are labeled by the same cluster index.

PARNAS usage

parnas -t TREE [-n SAMPLES] [other options]

The input tree should be in nexus or newick format.

For a detailed reference on PARNAS options run parnas -h or see below.

General options

Option Description
--radius Specify a radius (distance on a tree) so that every representative covers all diversity within that radius. PARNAS will then choose representatives that optimally cover as much diversity as possible
--prior Specify prior representatives with a regex. PARNAS will then identify representatives of the diversity not covered by the prior representatives
--weights Add a CSV file specifying weights for some or all taxa/strains. The column names must be "taxon" and "weight" and the weights should be between 0 and 1000. If a taxon is not listed in the file, its weight is assumed to be 1. Maximum allowed weight is 1000 and weights below 1e-8 are considered 0
--cover Instead of specifying the number of representatives, specify the radius and PARNAS will find representatives that cover all diversity on the tree (each representative "covers" the taxa within the specified radius from it)
--binary To be used with --radius. Similarly to the --cover option, instead of covering as much diversity as possible, PARNAS will cover as many tips as possible within the radius. Each leaf will have a binary contribution to the objective: 0 if covered, else its weight

Output options (combining output options is allowed)

Option Description
--color Specify an output path, where a colored tree will be saved. PARNAS will highlight the chosen representatives and color-partition the tree respective to the representatives. If prior representatives are specified, they (and the subtrees they represent) will be colored red.
--diversity Specify an output path, where a CSV will be saved with diversity scores for all k (number of representatives) from 2 to n. Can be used to choose the right number of representatives for a dataset
--subtree Specify a path, where a subtree with the sampled representatives will be saved (in NEXUS format)
Specify a path and PARNAS will save how it partitioned the tree based on the chosen representatives to that file. Output is a tab-delimited file with lines as "taxon name [tab] partition number"
Instead of finding new representatives, evaluate how good are the prior representatives specified with the "--prior" option. This option will ignore any other output options and the "--cover" flag.

Options to exclude/constrain taxa

Option Description
--exclude-rep REGEX. Matching taxa will not be chosen as representatives, but they will contribute to the objective function
--exclude-obj REGEX. Matching taxa can be selected, but will not contribute to the objective function (the opposite of --exclude-rep)
--exclude-fully REGEX. Matching taxa will be completely ignored by PARNAS
--constrain-fully REGEX. Opposite to '--exclude-fully', i.e., only the matching taxa will be considered by PARNAS

Options to control sequence divergence (the tree's edges will be rescaled based on the inferred number of substitutions)

Option Description
--threshold Number between 0 and 100. The sequence similarity threshold that works as --radius. For example, "95" will imply that each representative covers all leaves within 5% divergence on the tree. To account for sequence divergence, PARNAS will run TreeTime to infer ancestral substitutions along the tree edges and re-weigh the edges based on the number of substitutions on them. A sequence alignment (--nt or --aa) must be specified with this option
--nt Path to nucleotide sequence alignment associated with the tree tips
--aa Path to amino acid sequence alignment associated with the tree tips