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Copier template for python

Opinionated copier template for Flowtale python projects.


Task Tool
Command line interface Typer
Testing framework pytest, unittest
Test mocking pytest-mock
Pre-commit hooks pre-commit
Version management bump2version
Environment management direnv
Common style EditorConfig
Editor configuration vscode with suggested extensions
Autoformatters black with experimental string processing (--preview), pydocstyle
Linters flake8, pydocstyle
Test and packaging gitlab-ci
Run common commands make


On save (vscode)

  • Code formatted with black
  • Import sorted with isort

On commit

pre-commit is executed automatically before each commit in order to prevent code that does not follow the project guidelines. Depending on the user configuration either only the standard checks or all the checks are run on commit.

Some pre-commit hooks modify the files. Re-stage them after the modification.

Standard checks:

  • Check for big file added to commit
  • Check for committed secrets

Strict checks:

  • Trailing whitespaces removed
  • Add newline at the end of the file
  • flake8 linter executed
  • black formatter executed
  • isort import sorted executed
  • pydocstyle docstring checker executed

Linter plugins

Name Description strict
flake8-builtins Check for python builtins being used as variables or parameters.
pep8-naming Check your code against PEP 8 naming conventions.
flake8-pytest-style Check for common style issues or inconsistencies with pytest-based tests.
flake8-print Forbids print in the code besides (use logging!) x
flake8-eradicate Find commented out (or so called "dead") code. x
flake8-bugbear Find likely bugs and design problems in your program x
flake8-annotations Find missing type annotations x

On push

  • Tests and run all the pre-commit checks on all files executed on the CI



Dependencies to create the project template with copier

  • python (suggested install method: system)
  • copier (suggested install method: pipx)

Dependencies for the project

Development environment configuration

These configurations are required to setup the development environment and need to be performed only once.


(Recommended) To make poetry use the python interpreter of pyenv (defined in the .python-version file inside the project)

poetry config virtualenvs.prefer-active-python true

This setting allows to easier to rename the project folder without having to recreated the virtual environment. It also makes vscode automatically detected the poetry virtual environment (see VScode)

pyenv (recommended)

This step can be skipped if the system python version always matches the version specified in the .python-version of the project (very unlikely).

Add the following to ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc to initialize pyenv

export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv"
command -v pyenv >/dev/null || export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"
eval "$(pyenv init -)"

direnv (recommended)

direnv is a tool that enables automatic loading and unloading of directory-specific environment variables. It is useful to automatically activate the virtual environment and load any project specific environment variables when entering a project folder. Because this template expects the use of poetry, the .envrc file accompanying the template includes a function to automatically load a poetry virtual environment, and will also load project specific environment variables from any present .env file with the dotenv command.

To make use of direnv, make sure it is installed. Go to the project root directory (where the .envrc file is located) and run direnv allow.


Project initialization

  1. Create a new project based on this copier template (it can also be applied to existing projects)

    copier copy project-folder

    The template version used corresponds to the most recent tag of the template repository.

  2. Answer all the questions to configure the project (see Copier parameters)

  3. Commit all the files

    cd pythonboilerplate
    git init
    git add .
    git commit -m "Initial commit"
  4. Generate the poetry lock file

    poetry install
  5. Commit the lock file

    git add poetry.lock
    git commit -m "Poetry lock file regenerated"

    (Opinion) It is always better to commit the lock file by itself given that reverting a commit with an update to the lock file is complicated.

  6. Follow the project README to configure the project development environment

Project update

  1. From within a project folder that has already been initialized with the template run

    copier update --skip-answered

    This will update our project with the version corresponding to the most recent tag of the template. It will perform a three way merge between out project and the newest changes introduced by the template.

    Do not provide the --skip-answered flag if you want to change some of the original answers.

  2. Run poetry lock to regenerate the poetry lock file given that the pyproject.toml may have been updated

  3. Run poetry install --sync to update the project dependencies

Copier parameters

Name Example Description
author_name Team Faboulous
package_name awsomeproject Used to define the name of the python package. This can include "." if you need to create a namespaced package.
distribution_name awsome-project Used to define the name of the python distribution
project_name Awsome Project Name of the project
repository_name awsome-project Name of the project repository
project_short_description A fantastic new project Description of the project. Also used in the CLI help.
version 0.2.0 SemVer 2.0 version
license MIT Project license
package_type cli If cli generate cli module with argument parser and cli entrypoint
python_version 3.10 Define the python version to use for pyenv and the CI pipelines
testing_framework pytest Python testing framework
max_line_length 88 Code max line length
use_flake8_strict_plugins true If true install flake8 plugins that allow to catch bugs, security vulnerabilities and apply more strict rules. They can be a bit overwhelming.
ide vscode Define the IDE(s) used by the developers.
git_hosting gitlab Define GIT hosting that will be used.
use_jupyter_notebooks true If true install ipykernel dependency
generate_example_code true If true generate example files and code snippets
strip_jupyter_outputs true If true strip output from Jupyter notebooks before committing
generate_docs mkdocs Generate documentation with either pdoc or mkdocs

Project usage

python dependencies

  • Do not manually change the dependency specification of the python packages related to the copier template (i.e. do not change the version in pyproject.toml). These will be automatically updated when we apply an update of the copier template.


  • VSCode should automatically detect the virtual environment if poetry is configured to store the venv in a subfolder of the project (it is by default).
  • Otherwise manually select the interpreter with Python: Select interpreter
    • Run poetry run poetry env info -p to discover where it is located


  • To perform actions in the shell

    • explicitly activate the virtual environment

      poetry shell
    • Or run commands in the virtual environment

      poetry run COMMAND


When the Copier template has the CLI option activated (rather than the library option), there is a downstream option to generate a Dockerfile. This is useful for running the CLI in a containerized environment. The Dockerfile includes build arguments to add authentication credentials for private Python package registries configured via Poetry.

Style suggestions

  • Docstrings convention is google without types (types are specified using standard python typing)
  • Use pathlib.Path instead of str for file names
  • Use pathlib.Path to process files instead of os


  • The python dependencies in the template should be update periodically

    • Updating the major version of black may require reformatting large portions of a project codebase to make the CI lint stage pass
  • A note to the [Rationale][#rationale] section should be added if it helps explaining non-obvious choices


  • This project is tagged with versions according to SemVer.

  • The version has a format MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, which in the context of this project means:

    • Major: Changes that modify the generated project structure or components significantly in a way that is not backward-compatible.
      • e.g. updating the black major version
      • e.g. add a required flake8 plugin that may cause the CI pipeline of an existing project to fail
    • Minor: Additions or enhancements to the template that do not alter the existing structure in a backward-incompatible way.
      • e.g. add support for generating the documentation
    • Patch: Fixes to issues or bugs in the template that do not affect the generated project's structure or compatibility.
  • To bump the project version:

make bump

​ and select the part of the version to bump


  • [2024-08-19] We allow for a choice between generating documentation with either MkDocs or pdoc. The former is more powerful, using mostly additional Markdown files. The latter is more straightforward and uses only the doc-strings in the code files. For both choices, the files is rendered as the front page of the documentation.

  • [2023-10-10] We pass the --preview flag to black 23.x in particular to format long strings. The effects of --preview should be re-evaluated at each major version update of black.

    # before formatting
    myvar = "Loooong ... string"
    # after formatting
    myvar = (
        "Loooong ..."
        "... string"
  • The versions of python dependencies of the tools (black, flake, ...) are managed by the copier template and should not be changed manually in the generated projects. This allows to keep the various projects aligned and have a consistent behavior when we develop on multiple projects. Sometimes a newer copier template version may be applied to a project before the others, so there is a period where there is a disalignment, but at least is a controlled one.

  • typing annotations are not checked in the tests because tests do not need to be perfect and we want to be able to write them fast.