Kirby based website of the Klanglabor.
This project is built on top of Kirby's folder structure.
Contains CSS, JavaScript and images such as the logo.
This folder contains the content of the website. Kirby is a file-based CMS, which means that it does not use a database, but stores all content in local files.
In production, there are many more files in this folder, but only the essential ones are stored in the repository.
This is the most important folder from the developer's point of view. It contains the templates, snippets, configuration, controllers and blueprints for the panel (=backend).
Kirby CMS' core – untouched.
This folder is empty. Kirby stores uploaded images, thumbnails and such in the "media" folder automatically.
To run a local server hosting this website, clone this repository, open your terminal in the repositories folder, and run:
php -S localhost:8000 kirby/router.php