flockos is a python client for FlockOS. flockos currently runs only on Python 2.x
If you are using virtualenv, use the following command to create the virtualenv:
virtualenv venv -p python2
Install flockos using:
pip install flockos
Import the various classes and methods needed
from flockos import chat, roster, users, channels
from flockos import ActionConfig, Attachment, AttachmentButton, AttachmentDownload, Image, HtmlView, ImageView, Message, SendAs,
Views, WidgetView, PublicProfile, Channel, ChannelMember
can be an user token, For channel and user apis, user token is required. For sending messages it can either be an user token or bot token. to
in message apis can be either user or channel ids.
# returns a message id
res = chat.send_message(to=user_guid,token=bot_token,text="Hello, world")
send_as_hal = SendAs(name='HAL-9000', profile_image='https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1788506913/HAL-MC2_400x400.png')
res = chat.send_message(token=bot_token,to=user_guid,text="I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that",send_as=send_as_hal)
views = Views()
views.widget = WidgetView(src="http://example.com",height=250)
attachment = Attachment(title="Test widget", description="Replace src with your own page", views=views)
# NOTE: attachments is an array of attachment
res = chat.send_message(token=bot_token,to=user_guid, attachments = [attachment])
views = Views()
views.html = HtmlView(inline="It <b>Works</b>",height=50)
attachment = Attachment(title="Test html", description="Replace inline with your own html", views=views)
# NOTE: attachments is an array of attachment
res = chat.send_message(token=bot_token,to=user_guid, attachments = [attachment])
# NOTE: No need for a flockml view object
views = Views()
views.flockml = ("<flockml>FlockML is <b>AWESOME</b></flockml>")
attachment = Attachment(title="Test flockml", description="Replace flockml with your own flockml", views=views)
# NOTE: attachments is an array of attachment
res = chat.send_message(token=bot_token,to=user_guid, attachments = [attachment])
views = Views()
image = ImageView(original=Image(src="http://library.acropolis.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/One_ring.png", width=400, height=400),filename="onering.png")
views.image = image
attachment = Attachment(title="Test image", description="One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them", views=views)
# NOTE: attachments is an array of attachment
res = chat.send_message(token=bot_token,to=user_guid, attachments = [attachment])
d = AttachmentDownload(src="http://wallpapercave.com/wp/H630T6R.jpg")
views = Views()
views.flockml = "<flockml>Download the <i>matrix</i></flockml>"
# NOTE: downloads is always a list
attachment = Attachment(title="Test files", downloads=[d], views=views)
res = chat.send_message(token=bot_token,to=user_guid, attachments = [attachment])
b1 = AttachmentButton(name = "Harry Potter", id="harry", action=ActionConfig(type="openWidget", url="https://goo.gl/aygRGf", desktop_type="sidebar"))
b2 = AttachmentButton(name = "Ron Weasley", id="ron", action=ActionConfig(type="openBrowser", url="https://goo.gl/gDpMVn", send_context=True))
b3 = AttachmentButton(name = "Hermione Granger", id="hermione", action=ActionConfig(type="sendToApp"))
attachment = Attachment(title="Test buttons", buttons=[b1,b2,b3])
res = chat.send_message(token=bot_token,to=user_guid, text="Who is your favourite Harry Potter character?", attachments = [attachment])
attachment = Attachment(title="Test colour", color="#FF0000", description="It is red!")
res = chat.send_message(token=bot_token,to=user_guid, attachments=[attachment])
chat = "u:5bd391005e3c5cd3"
uids = ["fd4877b719b1", "59e2da001af2"]
res = chat.fetch_messages(token,chat,uids)
print channels.get_info(token,channel_id)
print channels.get_members(token,channel_id,show_public_profile)
print channels.list(token)
print users.get_info(token)
print users.get_public_profile(token, user_id)
print roster.list_contacts(token)
Create instance of EventHandlerClient
event_handler_client = EventHandlerClient(app_id = "<appID>", app_secret = "<appSecret>")
Attach eventListeners
with the client (these will be fired when an event occurs)
def on_app_install_listener():
#define implementation of listener here
Attach event_handler_client
with your web framework by calling event_handler_client.handleRequest
when event request is received
event_handler_client.handle(environ, start_response)
Verifying event token
For verifying event tokens, you can follow the following 2 ways :
- Wrap the app object in
to verify event token associated with every event request
app = TokenVerifierFilter(app, "<appId>", "<appSecret>");
- Call the method
to verify event token associated with an event
TokenVerifierFilter.decode_and_verify_request(environ, "<appSecret>", "<appId>");
# event body
body = environ['request_body']
# event payload
payload = environ['event_token_payload']