Bagelfunds is a personal peer-to-peer lending/savings tracker app that follows the Indonesian custom of arisan, similar to what is known as ROSCA.
This is an app developed to better understand the concepts of SQL and the usage of PostgreSQL. It has a simple CRUD functionality.
This app is created with the following Techstack.
clone the project:
git clone
After cloning, cd into the project
cd bagelfunds
install dependencies
npm install
Install postgreSQL.
Create the database bagelfunds
in PostgreSQL by running the SQL command:
Run all the queries in setup.sql
Ensure that PostgreSQL runs in port 5432
Start the app:
npm start
This is a project solidifying the concept of database design, and CRUD functionalities using raw SQL. It's a concept that I don't think is often used anymore, as we use more ORM nowadays, yet I think it's a valuable skill to learn.
One of the hardest challenge in particular is how to design the database with all the functionalities in mind and how it should relate to each other. I'm happy to have constructed an adequate database for this.