This is the place to get the answer to a quick problem, but that is not the limit! You can also explore Algebra, Trigonometry, Boolean and more!
To know more refer
git clone
cd org.sugarlabs.Calculate
flatpak -y --user install flathub org.gnome.{Platform,Sdk}//46
flatpak -y --user install org.sugarlabs.BaseApp//24.04
flatpak-builder --user --force-clean --install build org.sugarlabs.Calculate.json
Install the flatpak external data checker
flatpak --user install org.flathub.flatpak-external-data-checker
Now to update every single module to the latest stable version use
cd org.sugarlabs.Calculate
flatpak run --filesystem=$PWD org.flathub.flatpak-external-data-checker org.sugarlabs.Calculate.json