Some flatpak note for Giada.
- Device = all for MIDI and other
- Filestystem = home: fltk doesn't do portals
- pw-jack permissions
- No wayland as this is incompatible with audio plugins and fltk doesn't support it.
: still link against-lstdc++fs
like it's Ubuntu.patches/giada-path.patch
: need to set path for VST3.patches/giada-fmt.patch
: patch to upstream:fmt::format
expect a constexpr format.patches/juce-616-header.patch
: some usual JUCE patches for newer gcc header layout.
This is needed for LV2_PATH.
giada doesn't build with cmake-ninja
I seems that upstream doesn't update the release in the AppStream file
so this is done with cough sed
. Let's hope appstream validate will
catch the silent failure of sed