This console application provides users with information about various drink categories and their respective drinks. It fetches data from "The Cocktail DB" API ( to display categories, drinks, and drink details.
- Clone or download the application from the repository.
- .NET Core SDK installed on your machine.
Running the Application:
- Navigate to the root directory of the application in your terminal or command prompt.
- Run the command
dotnet run
to start the application.
- Upon running the application, users will be presented with a list of drink categories.
- Users can select a category of drinks.
- Once a category is selected, the application will display a list of drinks within that category.
- Users can choose a specific drink to view its details.
- Drink details include the name, category, type, glassware, ingredients, and instructions for preparation.
User Input Validation:
- The application validates user input to ensure that entered categories and drink IDs are valid.
- Entry point of the application. It initializes user input.
- Handles API requests to retrieve categories, drinks by category, and drink details.
- Provides functionality to visualize data in a tabular format.
- Manages user interaction, input validation, and navigation within the application.
- Contains methods for validating user input.
Models Directory:
- Contains class definitions for different data models used in the application.
- RestSharp: Used for making HTTP requests to the API.
- Newtonsoft.Json: Utilized for deserializing JSON responses from the API.
- The application relies on the availability and stability of "The Cocktail DB" API.
- Ensure a stable internet connection for the application to fetch data from the API successfully.
- Any changes to the API structure or endpoints may affect the application's functionality.
- Contributions and feedback are welcome. Feel free to fork the repository and submit pull requests.