macOS Monterey Patcher is now available The macOS Monterey Patcher is availible for a few unsupported macs hope in the future that more macs will be compadible, for now the macs that are compadible will be listed below. (This Patcher can also be used to patch Big Sur)
Macbook Pro Early 2013 13 and 15 inch
Macbook Pro Late 2013 13 and 15 inch
Macbook Pro Mid 2014 13 and 15 inch
Macbook Air Mid 2013 11 and 13 inch
Macbook Air Early 2014 11 and 13 inch
Macbook Early 2015 12 inch
iMac Late 2013 21.5 and 27 inch
iMac Mid 2014 21.5 inch
iMac Late 2014 5K 27 inch
iMac Mid 2015 5K 27 inch
Macbook Pro Mid 2012 13 and 15 inch
Macbook Pro Retina Mid 2012 15 inch
Macbook Pro Retina Late 2012 13 inch
Macbook Air Mid 2012 11 and 13 inch
Mac Mini Late 2012
Mac Pro Mid 2012
iMac Late 2012 21.5 and 27 inch
Mac Pro Mid 2010 (Note CPU, GPU and WIFI might need to be upgraded and sound might not work)
Mac Pro Early 2009 (Note CPU, GPU and WIFI might need to be upgraded and needs to be flashed from a 4,1 to a 5,1 Mac Pro and sound might not work)
(The Potential Support status means that this patcher has not been tested on these Macs do at your own risk)
Macbook Pro Early 2008 15 and 17 inch
Macbook Pro Late 2008 15 inch
Macbook Pro Early 2009 17 inch
Macbook Pro Mid 2009 13,15 and 17 inch
Macbook Pro Mid 2010 13,15 and 17 inch
Macbook Pro Early 2011 13,15 and 17 inch
Macbook Pro Late 2011 13,15 and 17 inch
Macbook Air Mid 2009
Macbook Air Late 2010 11 and 13 inch
Macbook Air Mid 2011 11 and 13 inch
Macbook Early 2009 13 inch
Macbook Mid 2009 13 inch
Macbook Late 2009 13 inch
Macbook Mid 2010 13 inch
Mac Mini Early 2009
Mac Mini Late 2009
Mac Mini Mid 2010
Mac Mini Mid 2011
iMac Early 2009 20 and 24 inch
iMac Late 2009 21.5 and 27 inch
iMac Mid 2010 21.5 and 27 inch
iMac Mid 2011 21.5 and 27 inch
I know there are lots of Macs that don't support this patcher but dont worry support will come soon.
Before you attempt make a backup of your drive I am not responsible if you damage your machine. Let's start, you first are going to make a bootable USB with the macOS 12 beta 1. If you do not know how to do this google it or watch a youtube video. Next step Once you have your bootable USB you will download the Monterey Patcher dmg then open terminal and type sudo then put a space and place the into the terminal then place the USB with the macOS 12 into the terminal. Then hit enter it will ask you to type your password type it in. Once that is done you will put the into the terminal then followed by the USB with the macOS 12. Once you have your installer USB you reboot your computer and when you hear the chime you can hold the option key down. Now you will be at the boot picker once your there you can select the EFI your mac will shut down, then turn your computer back on then hold the option key now you can boot into the macOS 12 beta. Once your at the installation I would recommend you make a partition but it's up to you. Now you can continue with the installation this may take a while, once the installation is finished it will reboot into the drive you selected to install the macOS if you had a mac that ran Big Sur natively you're done but if you did not have a mac that ran Big Sur natively and is one of the Supported or Unknown status macs you will have to follow these next steps. If your macs wifi or other things dont work then you will have to follow these steps. Next step if you did not have a mac that did not run Big Sur Natively you will have to follow these steps first you find the place it in the terminal once that finishes reboot your mac Then You're done.
Don't erase the the USB with the Patched Monterey you may need it later on.
Yes but you need the insaller USB so you can efi boot and then you can boot into the internal drive.
Better preformance on some models.
Yes. On my mid 2014 Macbook Pro the battery life suffered on Big Sur it only lasted 4-6 hours but on Monterey it lasts 7-9 hours even after 886 cycles.
Monterey Patcher v0.6 Brings New Patcher Icons
Monterey Patcher 0.7 will be delayed due to additional testing with macOS Monterey 12.0.1 and 12.1 Beta
Monterey Patcher 0.7 will be releasing soon it is being tested on mcaos Monterey beta 6 - 10
Monterey Patcher now supports macOS Big Sur and macOS Monterey Beta 2 to Beta 5. No User interface.
(Note some macs do not support metal so your experiance will be a bit slugish) some macs can be upgraded to support metal, it will say Potential Metal support if it could be upgraded to support metal. Macs also have to support High Sierra Natively to use this patcher for Big Sur.
Macbook Pro Mid 2010 13,15 and 17 inch (Non Metal)
Macbook Pro Early 2011 13,15 and 17 inch (Non Metal)
Macbook Pro Late 2011 13,15 and 17 inch (Non Metal)
Macbook Air Late 2010 11 and 13 inch (Non Metal)
Macbook Air Mid 2011 11 and 13 inch (Non Metal)
Macbook Late 2009 13 inch (Non Metal)
Macbook Mid 2010 13 inch (Non Metal)
Mac Mini Mid 2010 (Potential Metal Support)
Mac Mini Mid 2011 (Potential Metal Support)
Mac Pro Mid 2010 (Potential Metal Support)
iMac Late 2009 21.5 and 27 inch (Potential Metal Support)
iMac Mid 2010 21.5 and 27 inch (Potential Metal Support)
iMac Mid 2011 21.5 and 27 inch (Potential Metal Support)
Macbook Pro Mid 2012 13 and 15 inch (Supports Metal)
Macbook Pro Retina Mid 2012 15 inch (Supports Metal)
Macbook Pro Retina Late 2012 13 inch (Supports Metal)
Macbook Air Mid 2012 11 and 13 inch (Supports Metal)
Mac Mini Late 2012 (Supports Metal)
Mac Pro Mid 2012 (Supports Metal)
iMac Late 2012 21.5 and 27 inch (Supports Metal)
Macbook Pro Early 2013 13 and 15 inch (Supports Metal)
iMac Late 2013 21.5 and 27 inch (Full Support no need for Patch Kexts)
Mac Pro Early 2009 (Can Run Big Sur but it needs to be flashed from a 4,1 to a 5,1)
Macbook Pro Early 2008 15 and 17 inch
Macbook Pro Late 2008 15 inch
Macbook Pro Early 2009 17 inch
Macbook Pro Mid 2009 13,15 and 17 inch
Macbook Air Mid 2009
Macbook Early 2009 13 inch
Macbook Mid 2009 13 inch
Mac Mini Early 2009
Mac Mini Late 2009
iMac Early 2009 20 and 24 inch
If you have any of these Macs use OpenCore Legacy Patcher
Link here :