javafunctionalutils is a library containing various utilities for functional programming in java. The main goal is to provide a small set of the most useful concepts enabled by the sealed types feature introduced in java version 17, as well as providing some immutable data structures with a signature that reflects their immutability.
Here is an example of what the code might look like when using Opt and ImmutableList/Map from this library:
public void typeSafeOptional() {
Opt<String> optString = random.nextBoolean() ? Opt.of("test") : Opt.empty();
// Pattern matching using java 21+ or early access feature in java 17
switch (optString) {
case None<String> none ->
System.out.println("No string");
case Some<String> some ->
System.out.println("Found string: " + some.value());
// Alternatively use instanceof
if (!(optString instanceof Some<String> some)) {
System.out.println("No string");
} else {
String value = some.value();
System.out.println("Found string: " + value);
public void immutableListExample() {
List<String> mutableStrings = new ArrayList<>(List.of("hello", "world"));
ImmutableList<String> immutableStrings1 = new ImmutableList<>(mutableStrings);
String hello = immutableStrings1.get(0);
for(String value : immutableStrings1){
// Prints:
// hello
// world
ImmutableList<String> immutableStrings2 = ImmutableList.of("hello", "world");
assert immutableStrings1.equals(immutableStrings2);
// Runtime ERROR and @NotNull (potential IDE compile-time error)
ImmutableList.of("hello", "world", null);
new ImmutableList<>(mutableStrings);
// Compiler ERROR
// immutableStrings1.add("test");
// immutableStrings1.clear();
// etc.
public void immutableMapExample() {
Map<String,String> mutableStrings = new HashMap<>();
mutableStrings.put("hello", "world");
ImmutableMap<String,String> immutableStrings = new ImmutableMap<>(mutableStrings);
Opt<String> worldOpt = immutableStrings.get("hello");
// Prints: world
Opt<String> asdfOpt = immutableStrings.get("asdf");
assert asdfOpt.equals(Opt.empty());
Iterable<ImmutableMap.Entry<String, String>> entries = immutableStrings.entries();
for(ImmutableMap.Entry<String,String> entry : entries){
// Prints: Key: hello, value: world
System.out.println("Key: " + entry.key() + ", value: " + entry.value());
mutableStrings.put("test", null);
// Runtime ERROR, nulls are not allowed
new ImmutableMap<>(mutableStrings);
// Compiler ERROR
// immutableStrings.put("not", "allowed");
// immutableStrings.clear();
// etc.
Java 17+ maven artifact: