Python Scripts for wrapping the Bonsai Tree Code and generating figures and video for phys 241 projects. The module has functions to manage the .tipsy file format used by Bonsai (and other n-body code) and can convert text-based n-body files to .tipsy format.
For a detailed outline of this code package, please refer to the Code Documentation
If you need help, please contact mfolkerts at physics dot ucsd dot edu, or create an issue.
It is recommended that you fork this repo if you would like to contribute. Then submit a pull request for your changes.
##Requirements Software: CUDA, git, gcc/g++, make, cmake, Python, Numpy, Matplotlib, ffmpeg, libx264, mpi (optional), ipython notebook (optional)
I used IPyhon Notebook to manage my projects. The notebook offers real-time interaction with a python kernel through small input/output block pairs (think MATLAB meets Mathematica). It also allowed me to easily share my results through a webpage (). More info can be found on the IPython Notebook and Notebook Viewer web sites.
Hardware One or more NVIDIA GPU with Fermi microarchitecture: Compute capability 2.0 or Better
Ubuntu Linix (12.04.4 LTS) is the platform I used, however, there are no known reasons why this code will not work on Windows or Mac OS. Especially since Bonsai's build scripts are wrapped with cmake which is platform independent.
###Install CUDA 5.x You will need to install the CUDA drivers as well as the SDK. The code samples are optional and require many more obscure graphics libraries to comple sucessfully. Select your platform and follow the instructions in the "Getting Started Guide" here: CUDA Developer Downloads
###Install Required Packages Ubuntu 12.04 LTS:
sudo apt-get install git python-numpy python-matplotlib ffmpeg libavcodec-extra-* build-essential cmake
###Install Optional Packages Ubuntu 12.04 LTS:
sudo apt-get install mpich2 ipython ipython-notebook
I will leave it to future users to detail installation procedures on Windows, Mac OS, and other Linux distros (good luck).
##Setup You can start by cloning this and the Bonsai Tree Code repo into the same parent folder on your system. All the commands below assume you are using a linux/unix style terminal interface.
###Repo Checkout In the command line, navigate to a desired location to work. Then do:
git clone
git clone
Next you will need to compile the Bonsai Tree Code.
###Compiling Bonsai (without MPI)
cd Bonsai/runtime
cmake -DUSE_B40C=1 -DUSE_DUST=0
###Compiling Bonsai (with MPI)
cd Bonsai/runtime
##Launching IPython Notebook (Optional): Navigate to this repo's folder then launch IPython Notebook. This command will launch your web browser and take you to the IPython Notebook interface, and list all my notebooks.
ipython notebook
###Lanuching IPython Notebook from a remote server This requires you to tunnel local port 8888 traffic to the server. You can do this by first connecting with ssh:
ssh -L 8888:localhost:8888
Then when you launch IPython Notebook, tell it not to launch a browser window (which would be some command line/text -based web browser on your server terminal, yuck):
ipython notebook --no-browser
Back on your local machine, navigate to
##Easy Examples This notebook will get you started running the tree code. You can copy and paste these commands into the python terminal or your own python script.
- Quick Start Example: Plummer.ipynb
##Other Galaxies I do not provide the initial data, sorry.
- View Cartwheel Midterm 2014 Results: Cartwheel.ipynb
- View Cartwheel Final 2014 Results: CartwheelFinal.ipynb
##Twin Milky Way:
- Milky Way Galaxy C (from galactics) Warm-up: MWGalaxy.ipynb
- Twin Milky Way Collision: MWCollision.ipynb
##My Cartwheel:
- Ball and Disk Warmup: CollisionWarmup.ipynb
- Cannon Ball Collision: Collision.ipynb
##My N-Body Code
- Inner solar system webApp (leapfrog): leapint.js