A lightweight perl knock off of the mocha javascript test framework.
Test scripts follow the mocha describe/it pattern to declare the test intention foreach test:
decribe("An object", sub {
it("must do something", sub {
expect(1+1, 2);
And the command line is used to execute test scripts and report the results:
$ pmocha test.mpl
Requires perl to be installed and in the $PATH.
Clone the repository:
$ git clone http://github.com/fiveladdercon/pmocha
Set the $PMOCHA environment variable to the pmocha repository:
$ export PMOCHA=/path/to/local/pmocha
Define a pmocha alias:
$ alias pmocha='perl -I $PMOCHA -MPMocha -e "PMocha::run()" --'
If using bash, the environment variable and alias can be set using the setup file:
$ cd /path/to/pmocha
$ source setup
Once set up, a demo test script can be run like this:
$ cd $PMOCHA
$ pmocha
$ pmocha [TEST_SCRIPT [TEST_SCRIPT ...]]
The pmocha comman line runs one or more test scripts that are passed on the command line. If no test scripts are listed, all files with the .mpl extension are run.
Note that the pmocha test structure & assertion API is present in the main namespace so test scripts have access to the test API without any imports.
The describe function is used to group tests under the text header, and provide further structuring with it's callback argument. The callback can further describe other test groups or declare tests with it.
The it function declares the intention of the test with it's text argument, and provides the implementation of the test with it's callback argument.
This skips all tests in the described group.
This skips the test instead of running it.
These functions are intended to be called in it callbacks.
Fails a test, reporting the provided message. The format and optional
args are fed to sprintf
Fails a test if the result is not truthy.
Fails a test if the actual value is not equal to the expected value. Only scalar arguments are supported.
Writes the actual and expected values to actual and expected files for diffing. The intent is to help identify differences between the values when they are long, multi-line strings.