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Vimeo configuration

Andrey Maximov edited this page Jun 1, 2021 · 4 revisions

Vimeo application

  1. Go to and sign in with your main Vimeo user account.
  2. In the top right corner click on the "+ Create an app" button
  3. Input the application name and the description (e.g., "Video Automation")
  4. Generate an access token
    1. Go to the Authentication section > Generate an access token
    2. Select "Authenticated (you)"
    3. Select the following permissions:
      • Private
      • Edit
      • Upload
      • Video Files
    4. Hit "Generate"
  5. Under "Personal Access Tokens" you should see a new token authenticated to "your account name".

Vimeo CLI

  1. Log into your conversion tool server, edit /home/vyva/vimeo-cli/config.xml:
    1. copy Client Identifier to vimeo.client_id
    2. copy Client Secret to vimeo.client_secret
    3. copy Token Number to vimeo.access_token

Virtual YMCA website.

  1. Go to your Virtual YMCA website, login as an administrator.
  2. Go to Admin menu > Virtual YMCA settings > Video Automation.
  3. Fill out the Vimeo Settings section and submit the form so save changes.