Ansible role which manage openvpn server
- Install and setup OpenVPN server
- Create/revoke client's configurations and certificates
- Setup authentication with PAM (System, passwd files)
Only tested on ubuntu for now.
openvpn_enabled: yes # The role is enabled
openvpn_etcdir: /etc/openvpn
openvpn_keydir: "{{openvpn_etcdir}}/keys"
# Default settings (See OpenVPN documentation)
openvpn_host: "{{inventory_hostname}}" # The server address
openvpn_port: 1194
openvpn_proto: udp
openvpn_dev: tun
openvpn_max_clients: 100
openvpn_log: /var/log/openvpn.log # Log's directory
openvpn_keepalive: "10 120"
openvpn_ifconfig_pool_persist: ipp.txt
openvpn_comp_lzo: yes # Enable compression
openvpn_status: openvpn-status.log
openvpn_verb: 3
openvpn_user: nobody
openvpn_group: nogroup
openvpn_resolv_retry: infinite
openvpn_server_options: [] # Additional server options
# openvpn_server_options:
# - dev-node MyTap
# - client-to-client
openvpn_client_options: [] # Additional client options
# openvpn_client_options:
# - dev-node MyTap
# - client-to-client
openvpn_key_country: US
openvpn_key_province: CA
openvpn_key_city: SanFrancisco
openvpn_key_org: Fort-Funston
openvpn_key_email: me@myhost.mydomain
openvpn_key_size: 1024
openvpn_clients: [client] # Make clients certificate
openvpn_clients_revoke: [] # Revoke clients certificates
# Use PAM authentication
openvpn_use_pam: yes
openvpn_use_pam_users: [] # If empty use system users
# otherwise use users from the option
# openvpn_use_pam_users:
# - { name: user, password: password }
# Use LDAP authentication (default is disabled)
openvpn_use_ldap: no
openvpn_ldap_tlsenable: 'no'
openvpn_ldap_follow_referrals: 'no'
# To use LDAP you must configure the following vars with real:
openvpn_ldap_bind_dn: ''
openvpn_ldap_bind_password: password
openvpn_ldap_base_dn: ou=CorpAccounts,dc=mycompany,dc=net
openvpn_ldap_search_filter: '"sAMAccountName=%u"'
openvpn_ldap_group_search_filter: '"cn=OpenVPNUsers"'
Add Stouts.openvpn
to your roles and set vars in your playbook file.
- hosts: all
- Stouts.openvpn
openvpn_use_pam: yes
openvpn_clients: [myvpn]
- { name: user1, password: password1 }
- { name: user2, password: password2 }
Install and copy client's configuration from /etc/openvpn/keys/myvpn.tar.gz
Licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
Are welcome!