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Lesson on spreadsheets and data organization for social scientists.

Readme file for The SAFI Teaching Database Generated on 2019-09-19 for teaching purposes.

Recommended citation for the dataset: Woodhouse, Philip; Veldwisch, Gert Jan; Brockington, Daniel; Komakech, Hans C.; Manjichi, Angela; Venot, Jean-Philippe (2018): SAFI Survey Results. doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.6262019.v1


  1. Title of dataset: The SAFI (Studying African Farmer-led Irrigation) Teaching Database

  2. Author information:

Principal Investigator Name: Philip Woodhouse Address: University of Manchester Email:

Co-Investigators: Name:Gert Jan Veldwisch Name: Daniel Brockington Name: Hans C Komakech Name: Angela Manjichi Name: Jean-Philippe Vernot

  1. Data of data collection: November 2016 - June 2017

  2. Funder Name: DFID-ESRC Growth Research Programme (DEGRP) grant ES/L01239/1

  3. Publications: Farmer-led irrigation development and investment strategies for food security, growth and employment in Africa. Policy Brief.


  1. Licences / restrictions placed on access to the dataset: CC0 2: Access through figshare: doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.6262019.v1


  1. Describe the methods for data collection and / or provide links to papers describing data collection methods: This is survey data relating to households and agriculture in Tanzania and Mozambique. The survey data was collected through interviews conducted between November 2016 and June 2017. This is a teaching version of the dataset, not the full version.

  2. Instrument information: The survey was split into several sections: A - General questions about when and where the survey was conducted; B - Information about the household and how long they have been living in the area; C - Details about the accommodation and other buildings on the farm; D - Details about different plots of land they grow crops on; E - Details about how they irrigate the land and availability of water; F - Financial details including assets owned and sources of income; G - Details of financial hardships; X - Information collected directly from the smartphone (GPS) or automatically included in the form (InstanceID).

  3. Data procesessing: The survey data was collected through interviews using forms downloaded to Android Smartphones. The survey forms were created using the ODK (Open Data Kit) software via an Excel spreadsheet. The collected data were then sent back to the server. The server can be used to download the collected data in both JSON and CSV formats.

  4. Analysis methods: Descriptive and summary statistics were calculated using SPSS.


  1. List of data files: Filename: SAFI_clean.csv Short description: CSV file containing the combined teaching data on one worksheet.

Filename: SAFI_messy.xlsx Short description: Excel file containing data for Tanzania and Mozambique recorded on separate worksheets and requiring data cleaning prior to anlysis.

Filename: SAFI_dates.xlsx Short description: Excel file containing date data for understanding how to format dates in spreadsheets.

  1. Relationships between files: No official linkages between files.


  1. Number of variables: 14

  2. Number of cases: 131

  3. Missing data codes: NULL

  4. Variable list Variable name: key_ID Variable description: Added to provide a unique ID for each observation (the InstanceID field does this as well) Variable coding/values: Numeric values Range of values: 1-202

Variable name: village Variable description: Village name Variable coding / values: Text Range of values: God, Chirodzo, Ruaca

Variable name: interview_date Variable description: Date of interview Variable coding: Date YYYY-MM-DDTime Range of values: 2016-11-16 - 2017-06-04

Variable name: no_membrs Variable description: How many members live in the household? Variable coding: Numeric value (continuous) Range of values: 2 - 19

Variable name: years_liv Variable description: How many years have you lived in this, or a neighbouring village? Variable coding: Numeric value (years, continuous) Range of values: 1-96

Variable name: respondent_wall_type Variable description: What type of walls are in the house? Variable coding: Text (categories) Range of values: burntbricks, muddaub, sunbricks, cement

Variable name: rooms Variable description: How many rooms in the house are used for sleeping? Variable coding: Numeric value (continuous) Range of values: 1-8

Variable name: memb_assoc Variable description: Is the participant a member of an irrigation association? Variable coding: Yes / No / NULL

Variable name: affect_conflicts Variable description: Has the person been affected by conflicts with other irrigators in the area? Variable coding: Text (category) Range of values: once, more_once, frequently, never, NULL

Variable name: liv_count Variable description: Livestock count Variable coding: Numeric value (continuous) Range of values: 1-5

Variable name: items_owned Variable description: Which of the following items are owned by the household (list provided) Variable coding: Text (string separated by semicolon)

Variable name: no_meals Variable description: How many meals do people in your household normally eat in a day? Variable coding: Numeric value (continuous) Range of values: 2-3

Variable name: months_lack_food Variable description: Indicate which months, in the last 12 months where you have faced a situation when you did not have enough food to feed the household? Variable coding: Text (string separate by semicolon) Range of values: Month given in abbreviation or none

Variable name: InstanceID Variable description: Unique identifier for the form data submission Variable coding: unique ID alpha-numeric string


  1. Number of variables: 14 across two worksheets (Tanzania and Mozambique)

  2. Variable list Variable name: key_ID Variable description: Added to provide a unique ID for each observation (the InstanceID field does this as well) Variable coding/values: Numeric values Range of values: 1-202

Variable name: roof_type Variable description: Type of roof on accommodation Variable coding / values: Text (categories)
Range of values: grass, mabatisloping

Variable name: wall_type Variable description: Type of wall in accommodation Variable coding: Text (categories) Range of values: muddaub, burntbricks

Variable name: floor_type Variable description: Type of floor in accommodation Variable coding: Text (categories) Range of values: earth, cement

Variable name: live_stock_owned_and_numbers Variable description: Type of livestock owned and total number owned
Variable coding: Alpha numeric Range of values: 1-4, poultry, oxen, cows, goats

Variable name: plots Variable description: Number of plots cultivated in the last 12 months Variable coding: Numeric (categories)
Range of values: 1-4 and -999

Variable name: water use Variable description: Do you bring water to your fields, stop water leaving your fields or drain water out of any of your fields? Variable coding: text (categories) Range of values: no, yes, Y, N, 1, 1, no (only in summer)

Variable name: rooms Variable description: Number of rooms in the house used for seleeping Variable coding: Numeric Range of values: 1 - 4

Variable name: oxen Variable description: Do you own oxen? Variable coding: Numeric binary Range of values: 0, 1

Variable name: poultry Variable description: Do you own poultry Variable coding: Text Range of values: 1,2 Yes

Variable name: goats Variable description: Do you own goats? Variable coding: Text Range of values: 1, 0, No

Variable name: cows Variable description: Do you own cows? Variable coding: Text Range of values: 1,0, Yes

Variable name: total Variable description:Total number of livestock owned Variable coding: Numeric (continuous) Range of values: 1-4

Variable name: look after cows Variable description: Does the participant look after cows? Variable coding: Yes / No


  1. Number of variables: 14 across two worksheets (DD_MM_YEAR and MM_DD_YEAR)

  2. Variable list Variable name: Interview dates Variable description: Date that interview took place Variable coding/values: Date Range of values: DD-MM-YYYY or MM_DD_YYYY depending on spreadsheet

Variable name: years_farm Variable description: Number of years the household have been farming in this area Variable coding / values:
Range of values:

Variable name: parents_live Variable description: Did your parents live in this village or neighbouring village? Variable coding: Yes / No Range of values: Yes / No

Variable name: no_membrs Variable description: How many members live in your household? Variable coding: Numeric value Range of values: 2 - 19

Variable name: roof_type Variable description: Type of roof on the accommodataion Variable coding: Text (categories) Range of values: grass, mabatisloping

Variable name: respondent_wall_type Variable description: Type of wall in the accommodation Variable coding: Text (categories) Range of values: burntbricks, muddaub, sunbricks, cement

Variable name: floor_type Variable description: Type of floor in the accommodation Variable coding: Text (categories) Range of values: earth, cement