The Legend Operators package the core FINOS Legend components for quick and easy deployment of a Legend stack.
This repository contains a Juju Charm for deploying a service which exposes a MongoDB database to other Legend Charms.
The full Legend solution can be installed with the dedicated Legend bundle.
The Legend Database Operator can be deployed by running:
$ juju deploy finos-legend-db-k8s --channel=edge
The standalone DBM will initially be blocked, and will require being related to the MongoDB Operator.
$ juju deploy mongodb-k8s --channel=edge
$ juju relate finos-legend-db-k8s mongodb-k8s
# Relate to the legend services:
$ juju relate finos-legend-db-k8s finos-legend-sdlc-k8s
$ juju relate finos-legend-db-k8s finos-legend-engine-k8s
$ juju relate finos-legend-db-k8s finos-legend-studio-k8s
This repository is configured to automatically build and publish a new Charm revision after a Pull Request merges. For more information, see here.
Visit Legend Contribution Guide to learn how to contribute to Legend.
Copyright (c) 2021-present, Canonical
Distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0