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dev/releases/ move GitHub specific code to new file
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  • Loading branch information
fingolfin authored and james-d-mitchell committed Jan 31, 2024
1 parent 6873315 commit be87d49
Showing 1 changed file with 313 additions and 0 deletions.
313 changes: 313 additions & 0 deletions dev/releases/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
## This file is part of GAP, a system for computational discrete algebra.
## Copyright of GAP belongs to its developers, whose names are too numerous
## to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT file for details.
## SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later

# Usage:
# ./ minor
# or
# ./ major
# to specify the type of the release.
# Output and description:
# This script is used to automatically generate the release notes based on the labels of
# pull requests that have been merged into the master branch since the starting date
# specified in the `history_start_date` variable below.
# For each such pull request (PR), this script extracts from GitHub its title, number and
# labels, using the GitHub API via the PyGithub package (
# To help to track the progress, it will output the number of the currently processed PR.
# For API requests using Basic Authentication or OAuth, you can make up to 5,000 requests
# per hour (
# As of March 2021 this script consumes about 3400 API calls and runs for about 25 minutes.
# This is why, to reduce the number of API calls and minimise the need to retrieve the data,
# PR details will be stored in the file `prscache.json`, which will then be used to
# categorise PR following the priority list and discussion from #4257, and output three
# files:
# - "releasenotes_*.md" : list of PR by categories for adding to release notes
# - "unsorted_PRs_*.md" : list of PR that could not be categorised
# - "releasenotes_*.json" : data for `BrowseReleaseNotes` function by Thomas Breuer (see #4257).
# where "*" is "minor" or "major" depending on the type of the release.
# If this script detects the file `prscache.json` it will use it, otherwise it will retrieve
# new data from GitHub. Thus, if new PR were merged, or there were updates of titles and labels
# of merged PRs, you need to delete `prscache.json` to enforce updating local data (TODO: make
# this turned on/off via a command line option in the next version).
# To find out when a branch was created, use e.g.
# git show --summary `git merge-base stable-4.11 master`

import sys
import json
import os.path
from github import Github
from datetime import datetime
import utils

# Configuration parameters
# the earliest date we need to track for the next minor/major releases
history_start_date = "2019-09-09"

# the date of the last minor release (later, we may need to have more precise timestamp
# - maybe extracted from the corresponding release tag)
minor_branch_start_date = "2021-03-03" # next day after the minor release (starts at midnight)
# question: what if it was merged into master before 4.11.1, but backported after?
# Hopefully, before publishing 4.11.1 we have backported everything that had to be
# backported, so this was not the case.

# this version number needed to form labels like "backport-to-4.11-DONE"
minor_branch_version = "4.11"

# not yet - will make sense after branching the `stable-4.12` branch:
# major_branch_start_date = "2019-09-09"
# major_branch_version = "4.12"
# note that we will have to collate together PRs which are not backported to stable-4.11
# between `history_start_date` and `major_branch_start_date`, and PRs backported to
# stable-4.12 after `major_branch_start_date`

def usage():
print("Usage: `./ minor` or `./ major`")

def get_prs(repo,startdate):
"""Retrieves data for PRs matching selection criteria and puts them in a dictionary,
which is then saved in a json file, and also returned for immediate use."""
# The output `prs` is a dictionary with keys being PR numbers, and values being
# dictionaries with keys "title", "closed_at" and "labels", for example:
# "3355": {
# "title": "Allow packages to use ISO 8601 dates in their PackageInfo.g",
# "closed_at": "2021-02-20T15:44:48",
# "labels": [
# "gapdays2019-spring",
# "gapsingular2019",
# "kind: enhancement",
# "release notes: to be added"
# ]
# },

prs = {}
all_pulls = repo.get_pulls(state="closed", sort="created", direction="desc", base="master")
# We need to run this over the whole list of PRs. Sorting by creation date descending
# is not really helping - could be that some very old PRs are being merged.
for pr in all_pulls:
print(pr.number, end=" ")
# flush stdout immediately, to see progress indicator
if pr.merged:
if pr.closed_at > datetime.fromisoformat(startdate):
# getting labels will cost further API calls - if the startdate is
# too far in the past, that may exceed the API capacity
labs = [ for lab in list(pr.get_labels())]
prs[pr.number] = { "title" : pr.title,
"closed_at" : pr.closed_at.isoformat(),
"labels" : labs }
# if len(prs)>5: # for quick testing (maybe later have an optional argument)
# break
with open("prscache.json", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
json.dump(prs, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
return prs

def filter_prs(prs,rel_type):
newprs = {}

if rel_type == "minor":

# For minor release, list PRs backported to the stable-4.X branch since the previous minor release.
for k,v in sorted(prs.items()):
if "backport-to-" + minor_branch_version + "-DONE" in v["labels"]:
if datetime.fromisoformat(v["closed_at"]) > datetime.fromisoformat(minor_branch_start_date):
newprs[k] = v
return newprs

elif rel_type == "major":

# For major release, list PRs not backported to the stable-4.X branch.
# After branching stable-4.12 this will have to be changed to stop checking
# for "backport-to-4.11-DONE" at the date of the branching, and check for
# "backport-to-4.12-DONE" after that date
for k,v in sorted(prs.items()):
if not "backport-to-" + minor_branch_version + "-DONE" in v["labels"]:
newprs[k] = v
return newprs



def pr_to_md(k, title):
"""Returns markdown string for the PR entry"""
return f"- [#{k}]({k}) {title}\n"

def changes_overview(prs,startdate,rel_type):
"""Writes files with information for release notes."""

# Opening files with "w" resets them
relnotes_file = open("releasenotes_" + rel_type + ".md", "w")
unsorted_file = open("unsorted_PRs_" + rel_type + ".md", "w")
relnotes_json = open("releasenotes_" + rel_type + ".json", "w")
jsondict = prs.copy()

# the following is a list of pairs [LABEL, DESCRIPTION]; the first entry is the name of a GitHub label
# (be careful to match them precisely), the second is a headline for a section the release notes; any PR with
# the given label is put into the corresponding section; each PR is put into only one section, the first one
# one from this list it fits in.
# See also <>.
prioritylist = [
["release notes: highlight", "Highlights"],
["topic: libgap", "Changes to the `libgap` interface"],
["topic: julia", "Changes to the **Julia** integration"],
["topic: gac", "Changes to the GAP compiler"],
["topic: documentation", "Changes in the documentation"],
["topic: performance", "Performance improvements"],
["topic: HPC-GAP", "Changes to HPC-GAP"],
["kind: new feature", "New features"],
["kind: enhancement", "Improved and extended functionality"],
["kind: removal or deprecation", "Removed or obsolete functionality"],
["kind: bug: wrong result", "Fixed bugs that could lead to incorrect results"],
["kind: bug: crash", "Fixed bugs that could lead to crashes"],
["kind: bug: unexpected error", "Fixed bugs that could lead to break loops"],
["kind: bug", "Other fixed bugs"],

# Could also introduce some consistency checks here for wrong combinations of labels

# Drop PRs not needed for release notes
removelist = []
for k in prs:
if "release notes: not needed" in prs[k]["labels"]:
for item in removelist:
del prs[item]
del jsondict[item]

# Report PRs that have to be updated before inclusion into release notes.
unsorted_file.write("### " + "release notes: to be added" + "\n\n")
unsorted_file.write("If there are any PRs listed below, check their title and labels.\n")
unsorted_file.write("When done, change their label to \"release notes: use title\".\n\n")
removelist = []
for k in prs:
if "release notes: to be added" in prs[k]["labels"]:
unsorted_file.write(pr_to_md(k, prs[k]["title"]))
for item in removelist:
del prs[item]

# Report PRs that have neither "to be added" nor "added" or "use title" label
unsorted_file.write("### Uncategorized PR" + "\n\n")
unsorted_file.write("If there are any PRs listed below, either apply the same steps\n")
unsorted_file.write("as above, or change their label to \"release notes: not needed\".\n\n")
removelist = []
for k in prs:
# we need to use both old "release notes: added" label and
# the newly introduced in "release notes: use title" label
# since both label may appear in GAP 4.12.0 changes overview
if not ("release notes: added" in prs[k]["labels"] or "release notes: use title" in prs[k]["labels"]):
unsorted_file.write(pr_to_md(k, prs[k]["title"]))
for item in removelist:
del prs[item]

# All remaining PRs are to be included in the release notes

relnotes_file.write("## Release Notes \n\n")

for priorityobject in prioritylist:
matches = [k for k in prs if priorityobject[0] in prs[k]["labels"]]
if len(matches) == 0:
relnotes_file.write("### " + priorityobject[1] + "\n\n")
for k in matches:
relnotes_file.write(pr_to_md(k, prs[k]["title"]))
del prs[k]

# The remaining PRs have no "kind" or "topic" label from the priority list
# (may have other "kind" or "topic" label outside the priority list).
# Check their list in the release notes, and adjust labels if appropriate.
if len(prs) > 0:
relnotes_file.write("### Other changes\n\n")
for k in prs:
relnotes_file.write(pr_to_md(k, prs[k]["title"]))

jsonlist = []
for k in jsondict:
temp = []
for item in jsonlist:
relnotes_json.write("%s\n" % item)

def main(rel_type):

g = utils_github.GITHUB_INSTANCE
repo = utils_github.CURRENT_REPO

# There is a GitHub API capacity of 5000 per hour i.e. that a maximum of 5000 requests can be made to GitHub per hour.
# Therefore, the following line indicates how many requests are currently still available
print("Current GitHub API capacity", g.rate_limiting, "at", )

# If this limit is exceeded, an exception will be raised:
# github.GithubException.RateLimitExceededException: 403
# {"message": "API rate limit exceeded for user ID XXX.", "documentation_url":
# ""}

# TODO: we cache PRs data in a local file. For now, if it exists, it will be used,
# otherwise it will be recreated. Later, there may be an option to use the cache or
# to enforce retrieving updated PR details from Github. I think default is to update
# from GitHub (to get newly merged PRs, updates of labels, PR titles etc., while the
# cache could be used for testing and polishing the code to generate output )

# TODO: add some data to the cache, e.g. when the cache is saved.
# Produce warning if old.

if os.path.isfile("prscache.json"):
print("Using cached data from prscache.json ...")
with open("prscache.json", "r") as read_file:
prs = json.load(read_file)
print("Retrieving data using GitHub API ...")
prs = get_prs(repo,history_start_date)

prs = filter_prs(prs,rel_type)
print("Remaining GitHub API capacity", g.rate_limiting, "at", )

if __name__ == "__main__":
# the argument is "minor" or "major" to specify release kind
if len(sys.argv) != 2 or not sys.argv[1] in ["minor","major"]:


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