In This Repository, I have written some of the important Algorithms and Data Structures efficiently in Java with proper references to time and space complexity. These Pre-cooked and well-tested codes helps to implement larger hackathon problems in lesser time.
Algorithm | Big-O Time, Big-O Space | Comments/Symbols |
DFS - 2-D Grid | O(M * N), O(M * N) | M * N = dimensions of matrix |
DFS - Adjency List | O(V + E), O(V + E) | V = No of vertices in Graph, E = No of edges in Graph |
BFS - 2-D Grid | O(M * N), O(M * N) | M * N = dimensions of matrix |
DFS - Adjency List | O(V + E), O(V + E) | V = No of vertices in Graph, E = No of edges in Graph |
LCA - Lowest Common Ancestor | O(log(V), O(V + E) | |
All Pair Shortest Path | O(V^3), O(V + E) | Floyd Warshall algorithm |
Longest Common Subsequence | O(M * N), O(M * N) | Finding LCS of N & M length string using Dynamic Programming |
Binary Search | O(log(N), O(N) | Search in N size sorted array |
Lower Bound Search | O(log(N), O(N) | Unlike C, Java Doesn't Provide Lower Bound, Upper Bound in Collections |
Upper Bound Search | O(log(N), O(N) | |
Maximal Matching | O(√V x E), O(V + E) | Maximum matching for bipartite graph using Hopcroft-Karp algorithm |
Matrix Exponentiation | O(N^3 * log(X)) ,O(M * N) | Exponentiation by squaring / divide and conquer MATRIX[N, N] ^ X |
Segment Tree | O(Q * log(N)), O(N) | Q = no of queries , N = no of nodes , per query time = O(log(N)) |
Sparse Table | O(Q * O(1) + N * log(N)), O(N * log(N)) | per query time = O(1) and precompute time and space: O(N * log(N)) |
Segment Tree Lazy Propagation | O(Q * log(N)), O(N) | |
Merge Sort | O(N * log(N)), O(N) | |
Miller Prime Test | soft-O notation Õ((log n)^4) with constant space | |
Prims - Minimum Spanning Tree | O(E log V) , O(V + E) | |
BIT - Binary Index Tree / Fenwick Tree : | O(log N), O(N) | per query time: O(log(N)) |
Two Pointers | O(N), O(N) | two directional scan on sorted array |
BST - Binary Search Tree | O(N), O(N) | |
Maximum Subarray Sum | O(N), O(N) | Kadane's algorithm |
Immutable Data Structures, Persistent Data Structurs - Persistent Trie | O(N * log N), O(N) | query & update time: O(log N) .It's frequently used where you have to maintain multiple version of your data structure in lograthimic time. |
Dijkstra | O((E+v) log V)), O(V + E) | |
Z - Function | O(P + T), O(P + T) | Leaner time string matching / occurrence finding of pattern string P into Large Text string T. |
Minimum Cost Maximal Matching - Hungarian algorithm | O(N^3), O(N^2) | |
Heavy Light Decomposition | O(N * log^2 N), O(N) | per query time = (log N)^2 |
Interval Merge | O(log N), O(N) | |
Knapsack | O(N * S), (N * S) | |
Suffix Array and LCP - Longest Common Prefix | O(N * log(N)), O(N) | |
Squre Root Decomposition | O(N * √N), O(N) | the range of N number can be divided in √N blocks |
Kth Order Statics | O(N), O(N) | K’th Smallest/Largest Element in Unsorted Array |
Trie / Prefix Tree | O(N * L), O(N * L) | if there are N strings of L size, per query time(Prefix information) = O(L) |
LIS - Longest Increasing Subsequence | O(N * log(N)), O(N) |
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