Hole Ice, Cables, and Non-Spherical Detector Modules in Light-Propagation Simulations for the IceCube Experiment — •Sebastian Fiedlschuster for the IceCube collaboration — Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics, Erwin-Rommel-Str. 1, 91054 Erlangen
IceCube is a neutrino observatory located at Earth’s South Pole that uses glacial ice as detector medium where particles from neutrino interactions produce Cherenkov light as they move through the ice. The light is then detected by an array of photo detectors deployed within the ice.
Aiming to improve detector calibration for the current IceCube detector as well as for the upcoming detector upgrade, a modified ray-tracing algorithm based on IceCube photon-propagation software is used to account for regions of different optical properties in light-propagation simulations. Of particular interest are the drill-hole regions (hole ice) of the detector medium, opaque cables of the detector instrumentation as well as light-sensitive detector modules of different shapes. This talk will outline the simulation method and present current and future applications.