This module uses existing configured Yum repos to download specific packages (and optionally satisfy dependencies) and then create a local repo from the result.
Requires storeconfigs to export the Yumrepo, and you need to add the vhost config for yourself
yumcache { 'my_yumcache': }
yumcache::package { 'httpd':
target => 'my_yumcache',
yumcache::package { 'haproxy':
target => 'my_yumcache',
deps => 'false',
Yumrepo <<| tag == 'yumcache' |>>
Example Apache config:
Alias /my_yumcache "/var/opt/lib/pe-puppet/yumcache/my_yumcache"
<Directory /var/opt/lib/pe-puppet/yumcache/my_yumcache>
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all