Library to generate SDK from FHIR Schema. This is a very early stage of the library. But it will progress quickly. Join the community - FHIR Chat
npm install -g @fhirschema/codegen
# List packages and find pakage coordinate <package>:<version>
fscg packages hl7.fhir.r4 | less
# Generate code
fscg generate -g typescript -o /tmp/fhir.r4 -p hl7.fhir.r4.core:4.0.1
# List all resources in a package
fscg package-summary -p | less
# TODO: inspect fhir schema (type schemas as well)
fscg package dump --output=tmp hl7.fhir.r4.core:4.0.1
- Loader loads FHIR Schemas and Canonicals (from urls, files, directories, npm package - TBD)
- Transform FHIR Schema to Type Schema
- Generator inherits from base Generator class and implements generate() method to produce target language code based on Type Schema (see typescript.ts) Generator may define additional options and use conditional generation logic.
- Generator should be registered in CLI utility to be available in CLI.
import { Generator, GeneratorOptions } from "../generator";
import { TypeSchema } from "../typeschema";
export interface TypeScriptGeneratorOptions extends GeneratorOptions {
generateClasses?: boolean;
const typeMap : Record<string, string> = {
'boolean': 'boolean',
'integer': 'number',
'decimal': 'number',
'positiveInt': 'number',
'number': 'number'
export class TypeScriptGenerator extends Generator {
constructor(opts: TypeScriptGeneratorOptions) {
generateType(schema: TypeSchema) {
let base = schema.base ? 'extends ' + : '';
this.curlyBlock(['export', 'interface',, base], () => {
if (schema.fields) {
for (const [fieldName, field] of Object.entries(schema.fields)) {
let tp =;
let type = tp;
let fieldSymbol = fieldName;
if (!field.required) {
fieldSymbol += '?';
if (field.type.type == 'primitive-type') {
type = typeMap[tp] || 'string'
} else {
type =;
this.lineSM(fieldSymbol, ':', type + (field.array ? '[]' : ''));
generate() {
this.dir('src', async () => {
this.file('types.ts', () => {
for (let schema of this.loader.complexTypes()) {
for (let schema of this.loader.resources()) {
this.file( + ".ts", () => {
if (schema.allDependencies) {
for (let dep of schema.allDependencies.filter(d => d.type == 'complex-type')) {
this.lineSM('import', '{',, '}', 'from', '"./types.ts"');
for (let dep of schema.allDependencies.filter(d => d.type == 'resource')) {
this.lineSM('import', '{',, '}', 'from', '"./' + + '.ts"');
if (schema.nestedTypes) {
for (let subtype of schema.nestedTypes) {
This will produce something like this:
import { CodeableConcept } from "./types.ts";
import { Reference } from "./types.ts";
import { HumanName } from "./types.ts";
import { Address } from "./types.ts";
import { Identifier } from "./types.ts";
import { Attachment } from "./types.ts";
import { BackboneElement } from "./types.ts";
import { ContactPoint } from "./types.ts";
import { Period } from "./types.ts";
import { DomainResource } from "./DomainResource.ts";
export interface PatientLink extends BackboneElement {
other : Reference;
type : string;
export interface PatientCommunication extends BackboneElement {
language : CodeableConcept;
preferred? : boolean;
export interface PatientContact extends BackboneElement {
address? : Address;
gender? : string;
name? : HumanName;
organization? : Reference;
period? : Period;
relationship? : CodeableConcept[];
telecom? : ContactPoint[];
export interface Patient extends DomainResource {
active? : boolean;
address? : Address[];
birthDate? : string;
communication? : PatientCommunication[];
contact? : PatientContact[];
deceasedBoolean? : boolean;
deceasedDateTime? : string;
gender? : string;
generalPractitioner? : Reference[];
identifier? : Identifier[];
link? : PatientLink[];
managingOrganization? : Reference;
maritalStatus? : CodeableConcept;
multipleBirthBoolean? : boolean;
multipleBirthInteger? : number;
name? : HumanName[];
photo? : Attachment[];
telecom? : ContactPoint[];
- Documentation