mobile test repository
- Git
- Android Studio last stable release
- JDK 8
- Android Devices >= 5.1 OS version (80%)
- Download the repository(git clone
- Open Android Studio.
- Install the necessary dependencies.
- Clean and Build.
- Run App.
This demo app was done based patterns like:
- Repository pattern
- Observer Pattern
- MVP (Model View Presenter)
- Inheritance and interfaces
In general this design was based on SOLID to try getting a clean, maintainable and scalable app.
Module structure:
- app: contains the configurations for app life cycle.
- business: contains the business logic related with requirements.
- di: contains the configurations related with Dependency injection.
- model: contains the Data source operations handling (cache and services)
- utils: contains utilities and functions to reuse in the app modules.
- presentation: contains logic to handle view components and iteraction logic with business layer and data layer.
- Rooms(persistence library provides an abstraction layer over SQLite): Local storage and cache handling.
- Retrofit(type-safe HTTP client): service api handling.
- RxJava/RxAndroid(library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs by using observable sequences): background task and reactive events.
- Dagger(dependency injection framework): Dependency injection.
- Android x(open-source project that the Android team uses to develop, test, package, version and release libraries within Jetpack)
- Implement Unit test cases for different modules/layers
- Implement UI using fragments
- Improve the adapter logic to reuse it.