- Este es un repositorio donde se subiran practicas realizadas como preparacion en la carrera de cientifico de datos.
- Aqui encontraras mis experimento, practicas o cosas locas que me plantee hacer sobre ciencia de datos.
- Si por casualidad as caido aqui espero que te sirvan los notebook que aqui se encuentran, ten en cuenta que pueden contener errores o faltar algun data set con los que se trabaja.
Un Saludo. 🤖
- This is a repository where I will upload practices done as preparation for the data scientist career.
- Here you will find my experiments, practices or crazy things that I thought to do about data science.
- If by chance you have fallen here I hope you find useful the notebooks that are here, keep in mind that they may contain errors or missing some data set with which you work.
Bye. 🤖