Cyclistic is a company that provides bike-sharing service in Chicago, with a fleet of 5,824 bikes equipped with geographic tracking system and spread across 692 stations. Cyclistic offers various flexible pricing options, ranging from single-ride tickets, full-day tickets, to annual memberships. Customers who buy single-ride tickets or full-day tickets are called casual riders, while customers who buy annual memberships are called Cyclistic members.
The objective of this project is to analyze and compare the bike usage patterns between members and casual riders, with a focus on frequency and duration of trips. The result of this analysis is expected to provide a clear understanding of the differences in usage behavior between members and casual riders, which can be used to design appropriate marketing strategies to convert casual riders into members.
The dataset used in this project is the Cyclistic bike trip data for the last 12 months in 2022, provided by Motivate International Inc. The data is in CSV format and contains important information about each bike trip, such as trip ID, start and end time, start and end station name, and classification of member or casual here
The analysis performed in this project includes:
- Comparing the ride length for members and casual riders over a week
- Comparing the count of bike trips for members and casual riders over a week
- Comparing the count of bike trips for members and casual riders over a day
- Comparing the bike preference for members and casual riders
The tools used in this project are:
- Python for data cleaning, transformation, and analysis
- Tableau for data visualization