String distances for sqlite3. These functions will give a numeric value to know how similar two strings are.
- damerau_levenshtein
- hamming
- longest common sequence
- optimal_string_alignment
- sorensen_dice
A CMake's compatible build tool (ninja is our preferred backend)
We use check as test framework.
A recent version of clang is required.
SQLite3 is required too.
$ gitlone
$ cd sqlite3_distances
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake -G Ninja ../
$ ninja
$ ninja test
You can force a specific clang version with:
$ CC=clang10 cmake ../ -GNinja
Fuzzers are in build/${subproject}
for example in build/hamming/hamming_fuzzer
. These programs run indefinitely.
To build with coverage support, from the build directory:
$ CC=clang10 cmake -DCOVERAGE=1 ../ -GNinja
Now, run the tests. In this example, de Damerau-Levenshtein tests:
$ cd damerau-levenshtein
$ ./test_damerau-levenshtein
Merge results:
$ llvm-profdata10 merge -sparse default.profraw -o default.profdata
Show report:
$ llvm-cov10 report ./test_damerau-levenshtein -instr-profile=default.profdata
SQLite version 3.29.0 2019-07-10 17:32:03
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
Load library
sqlite> .load ./damerau-levenshtein/libdamerau-levenshtein
Use the function
sqlite> select damerau_levenshtein('stuff', 'staff');
Please, report any problems by creating an issue :-)