Here I am going to write down random stuff I would like to learn, write or just have as a good boomark of stuff I would like to read / learn / do at some point in the future
I strongly believe that algorithms is a crucial part of programming, and learning them is a curcial parat for any developer. I suggest to other students at my university that we need to learn and practice algorithms on a daily basis to train your brain in the same way you train your body to be a body builder. I know the analogy is silly and a crap, but for the lack of a better one I will leave that.
There are TONS of resources online and I am going to write down the ones that I liked the most to understand certain topics so I can use them as a future reference. Maybe there are better ones, and if any person out there find this repo and want to contribute, please feel free to do it.
I have marked with √ the lectures I particularly want to watch and learn, but there are some others that I live here because of my OCD.
- Cracking the Coding Interview
- Guide to Competitive Programming
Here's some of the papers I would like to read