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Tensorflow Network Wrapper

This python project should make it easier to build, initialize and train Tensorflow models.



Images should have the following format: [height, width, channels].

Architecture Shape Format

The parameter architecture_shape specifies the architecture of the network. It is a list of layer tuples which contain information about the layer. The shape of a tuple describing the layer should look like this (TF_LAYER.Type, name, (layer_parameters)).

TF_LAYER.Type can be one of the following types:

  1. TF_LAYER.Dense Dense Layer
  2. TF_LAYER.Dropout Dropout
  3. TF_LAYER.Convolution2D 2D Convolution Layer
  4. TF_LAYER.MaxPooling Max Pooling
  5. TF_LAYER.Normalization Local Response Normalization

name should be a unique layer name.

(layer_parameters) is a tuple of parameters for the respective layer:

  • TF_LAYER.Dense:

    • layer_parameters[0]: Number of neurons in layer.
  • TF_LAYER.Dropout:

    • layer_parameters[0]: Keep probability [0, 1].
  • TF_LAYER.Convolution2D:

    • layer_parameters[0]: Kernel shape. This should be a 1-D list of ints with length 4. [5, 5, 1, 32] is an example for a small 5x5 kernel where first two dimensions are the patch size (size of the kernel), the next is the number of input channels (either 1 or 3), and the last is the number of output channels.
    • layer_parameters[1]: Stride. This should be a 1-D list of ints with length 4. The stride of the sliding window for each dimension of input. The stride of the sliding window for each dimension of input. The strides list should have the following format [1, stride_horizontal, stride_vertical, 1] so strides[0] = strides[3] = 1. Usually stride_horizontal = stride_vertical.
    • layer_parameters[2] (optional): Padding. Default is SAME. Put in None if default. Allowed values are "SAME", "VALID".
  • TF_LAYER.MaxPooling:

    • layer_parameters[0]: Kernel shape. This should be a 1-D list of ints with length 4. [1, 2, 2, 1] is a common max pooling operation which subsamples / reduces the input size by two with a 2x2 max pooling area.
    • layer_parameters[1]: Stride. This should be a 1-D list of ints with length 4. The stride of the sliding window for each dimension of input. The strides list should have the following format [1, stride_horizontal, stride_vertical, 1] so strides[0] = strides[3] = 1. Usually stride_horizontal = stride_vertical.
    • layer_parameters[2] (optional): Padding. Default is SAME. Put in None if default. Allowed values are "SAME", "VALID"
  • TF_LAYER.Normalization:

    • layer_parameters[0](optional): Depth Radius. Defaults to 5. 0-D. Half-width of the 1-D normalization window. Put in None if default.
    • layer_parameters[1](optional): Bias. Defaults to 1. An offset (usually positive to avoid dividing by 0). Put in None if default.
    • layer_parameters[2] (optional): Alpha. Defaults to 1. A scale factor, usually positive. Put in None if default.
    • layer_parameters[3] (optional): Beta. An optional float. Defaults to 0.5. An exponent. Put in None if default.


Convolutional Layers

The output shape of a convolutional layer can be calculated by using the kernel shape and the stride. The size of a kernel does not increase or decrease the image size. However, if overlap is specified in the strides parameter (layer_parameters[1][1] , layer_parameters[1][2]) the image will increase depending on the overlap. An overlap of 1 horizontally will increase the image size for each convolution. For "SAME" the image dimensions are calculated by the ceiled division of the image dimension and the strides + the padding which looks like this:

w_out = ceil(w_in / stride_horizontal)
h_out = ceil(h_in / stride_vertical)

w_padding = (w_out - 1) * stride_horizontal + kernel_w  - w_in
h_padding = (h_out - 1) * stride_vertical + kernel_h  - h_in

w_out += w_padding
h_out += h_padding

For an image of size 28x28, a 5x5 kernel would convolve 9 times (padding = "SAME") for one row therefore increasing the image size from 28x28 to 45x45 (Padding is 17).



Tweakable Parameters

Convolutional Layer

1. Weights

initialization is done with a std_dev of std_dev / math.sqrt(float(input_shape[0])) Is this the right way to do it for conv layers?

2. Biases

The biases are initialized with tf.zeros in the Tutorial they are initialized with a value of 0.1.

3. Pre Initialization

Because of 2.) pre initialization doesn't make sense here. Test if this makes a difference.


Many parameters that are pre set can be tweaked. See Documentation and the corresponding paper.


  • add weight decay.
  • investigate GPU utilization issue.
  • add additional pooling types.
  • add variable dropout for each dropout layer.
  • add support for variable image size by using random cropping like here.