To solve the Knapsack problem, I decided to implement a Strategy Pattern and a Dynamic Programming Algorithm.
Dynamic Programming Algorithm:
Dynamic programming is when you use solutions to smaller sub problems in order to solve a larger problem.
This is easiest to implement recursively because you usually think of such solutions in terms of a recursive function. An iterative implementation is usually preferred though, because it takes less time and memory.
Strategy Pattern:
Strategy pattern is used when we have multiple algorithm for a specific task and client decides the actual implementation to be used at runtime.
I decided to use this pattern because I keep these implementation open to accept new kinds of algorithm like a Recursive or Greedy.
Data Structure:
The java.util.List is used in the solution to store the items of knapsack.
You want to send your friend a package with different things. Each thing you put inside the package has such parameters as index number, weight and cost. The package has a weight limit.
Your goal is to determine which things to put into the package so that the total weight is less than or equal to the package limit and the total cost is as large as possible.
You would prefer to send a package which weights less in case there is more than one package with the same price.
81 : (1,53.38,€45) (2,88.62,€98) (3,78.48,€3) (4,72.30,€76) (5,30.18,€9) (6,46.34,€48)
8 : (1,15.3,€34)
75 : (1,85.31,€29) (2,14.55,€74) (3,3.98,€16) (4,26.24,€55) (5,63.69,€52) (6,76.25,€75) (7,60.02,€74) (8,93.18,€35) (9,89.95,€78)
56 : (1,90.72,€13) (2,33.80,€40) (3,43.15,€10) (4,37.97,€16) (5,46.81,€36) (6,48.77,€79) (7,81.80,€45) (8,19.36,€79) (9,6.76,€64)
To compile and run the project, the following tools should be installed:
- JDK 8+
- Junit
- Maven
To install type:
mvn install
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.mobiquityinc.packer.Packer" -Dexec.args="{pathFile}"
mvn clean test