prepare to use
- include jQuery
- include bulid/wan-spinner.css
- include build/wan-sinner.js
- in your html:
<div class="wan-spinner"> <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="minus">-</a> <input type="text" value="1"> <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="plus">+</a> </div>
how to use
maxValue: Number, default 999. Set the Max Value of the input.
minValue: Number, default -999. Set the Min Value of the input.
step: Number, default 1. Set the Step Value of the input when click plus and minus button.
start: Number, default 1. Set the Init Value of the input.
inputWidth: Number default 24. Set the Input Width.
plusClick: function. A trigger when Plus Button is clicked.
minusClick: function. A trigger when Minus Button is clicked.
valueChanged: function. A trigger when Input Value is changed.