bower install ng-datetime --save
- use it with inner ngDatetimePicker
angular.module('YourApp', ['ngMaterial', 'ngMdIcons', 'ngDatetimePicker'])
After inject ngDatetimePicker, you can use it like below in your template:
<ng-datetime-picker dt-dialog dt-text ...></ng-datetime-picker>
please check demo/demo-picker.html
- use it direct
angular.module('YourApp', ['ngMaterial', 'ngMdIcons', 'ngDatetime']);
After inject ngDatetime, you can use it like below in your template:
<ng-datetime ...></ng-datetime>
please check demo/demo.html
ngDatetimePicker is same as ngDatetime, but with 2 more params: dt-text and dt-dialog. If you use dt-dialog in your template, like <ng-datetime-picker dt-dialog ...></ng-datetime-picker>
, picker will open in a material-dialog, if not, just inline. If you use dt-text in your template, like <ng-datetime-picker dt-text ...></ng-datetime-picker>
, the "button" that the user click to open picker will be material-input style, if not, just material-button style.
function ngDatetimeDirective() {
return {
restrict: 'E', // only element
scope: {
dtType: '@', // illustrate current datetime pciker type
dtQSelect: '=', // illustrate quick select
dtConfirm: '&', // callback when click confirm button
format: '@', // datetime format
// datetime params
startChoice: '=', // illustrate start datetime if dtType is **-range
endChoice: '=', // illustrate end datetime if dtType is **-range
choice: '=', // illustrate datetime if dtType is not **-range
// restrict datetime params
max: '@', // illustrate max datetime can select
min: '@', // illustrate min datetime can select
maxLength: '@', // illustrate max length between startChoice & endChoice only if dtType is **-range
minLength: '@', // illustrate min length between startChoice & endChoice only if dtType is **-range
// language
dtLanguage: '=' // language: cn or en or object
- dtType
date, time, datetime, date-range, time-range, datetime-range, date-timerange
- dtQSelect
array contains object like { label: '', value: ''}. label shows to user, value indicates the some seconds ago
- dtConfirm
callback when user click confirm btn, params are selected date, startChioce & endChoice when dtType is **-range otherwise chioce
- dtLanguage
the language that picker is used, default 'cn' (Chinese), another is 'en' (English). Or you can define your own language like this:
language = { today: 'Jy', confirm: 'Okk', weeks: ['Rii', 'Yii', 'Er', 'Sam', 'Si', 'Wui', 'Liu'] };