Parse data sync plugin for Hoodie.
hoodie install parse
After installing the plugin, you must configure it using your Parse App configuration keys. You need to do this both for the plugin's front-end and backend code. To setup the keys for the plugin's backend, you can use the plugin's admin dashboard. However, the plugin's front-end configuration have to be done directly in the plugin's front-end API code, in the line 8 of the file "hoodie.parse.js":
// Parse App settings
To enable the real-time data sync between the data stored on Hoodie and on Parse, the plugin subscribes a SocketIO channel which will receive a message each time a data collection is changed on Parse. To use this feature, you must use the Parse's Cloud Code "afterSave" events to notify a SocketIO server that will later publish the corresponding notifications on the SocketIO channel this plugin is subscribing. The messages received on the plugin must respect the following pattern:
collection: 'collectionName',
permissions: ['parseUserId1', 'parseUserId2', 'parseUserIdN']
// TODO: sign in
// hoodie.parse.authenticate(username, password)
// sign in with Facebook
// sync public data from Parse
// sync private data from Parse
// sign out
// access parse front-end API instance
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2015 GlazedSolutions