Tags: featurehub-io/featurehub-install
Release 3.0.0 - Helm Chart Production readiness (#35) * Update github action workflow to add required helm repositories from Chart.yaml * Test github action on forked branch * Dummy change to trigger github actions * yq i386 * Filter out duplicated entries for helm repo add. Add docs to the GH workflow * Delete config templates, as they are now handled with a configmap populated from the values and a existing secret, both exposed as environment variables to the container * Add configmap template to populate management-repository environment variables * Add prometheus serviceMonitor template * MR - Refactor environment variable handling, refactor metrics port exposal * MR - Add metrics endpoint logic to the service template * MR - Refactor values structure * Fix Chart.yaml path inside github action * MR - Adjust template references in deployment config checksum annotations * Bump version to 2.1.0 * MR - Delete no longer needed app-config volume * MR - Set monitor.port and server.port properties to a fixed value * MR - Always expose metrics port, as it is used also for the liveness and readiness probes * MR - Add management-repository ingress template * Big refactor * Update values to match the refactor * Ingress default to enable:false * Add icon URL * Add extraContainers, extraVolumes and extraVolumeMounts to MR, Edge and Dacha deployments * Play with application.properties and secrets.properties as volumes * Gitignore .DS_Store file * Big refactor for config management and config checksum * Bump Chart version to 3.0.0 * Update github action to release the chart on my repository * Update documentation * Set branch again for the automatic releases * PR #35 - Enable postgresql by default * PR #35 - Remove no longer required properties