This Jellyfin plugin allows you to specify filepath patterns to ignore when performing a library scan. It can for example ignore specific file extensions (like .m3u). The patterns can be specified on the plugin configuration page.
Go the the Jellyfin plugin page (in the admin section). Add a new repository (in the repository section).
Select "Jellyfin Ignore" and install (in the Catalog section). Go to the plugin configuration page and add patterns to ignore on library scans.
Follow instructions in jellyfin plugin template repository
- Install latest dotnet version
- In the same directory, pull this plugin, jellyfin, and jellyfin-web
- Copy jellyfin-web dist files to jellyfin bin
- Run jellyfin-web project to test it works
- Run this plugin project
If you need to create a new account, force the wizard: http://localhost:8096/web/index.html#!/wizardstart.html
Install GNU grep (used in build script with ggrep)
brew install grep
Install jprm
pip install --user jprm
Update the version numbers (build.yaml, Directory.Build.props). Run the build script (after allowing for execution: chmod +x
Manually update the sourceUrl in the manifest to ensure we can download the zip file in its raw format (this should be updated eventually).
Commit and push changes.
Create a release on github and attach/upload the zip file.
- The image/logo is not included in the plugin archive but as a link in the meta.json and in the manifest.json files. The image is hosted in this repository.
- Make sure the build instructions (.vscode files) are still valid