This repository contains the code and documentation of a "Deep Learning practical session" given at ISAE-SUPAERO on December 6th 2023
The introduction slides can be accessed at this URL website.
It is recommended to read it first as it contains the necessary information to run this from scratch.
There are four notebooks at the root of this repository, those are the exercises
This hands on session is based on running code & training using Google Collaboratory instances
Check this tutorial to learn more about Google Colab
- The Bible : Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Recognition by Stanford, slides & course notes are very useful
- CS231n: Details on convolutions, how to compute number of parameters & tensor sizes in a CNN...
- Guide on convolution arithmetics and a lot of visualisations to understand convolutions better
- Two medium blog posts that try to explain things better
No support is guaranteed by the authors beyond the hands-on session.
This hands-on session was created by Florient Chouteau and Matthieu Le Goff.
for licence information.