A Python Async Project Template With FastAPI and SQLAlchemy (reference full-stack-fastapi-postgresql)
# pip install cookiecutter
# cookiecutter https://github.com/fcfangcc/fastapi-async-template.git
Create a env configuration
# touch .env
SECRET_KEY = "secret_key"
FIRST_SUPERUSER = "superuser@xxx.com"
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = "mysql+aiomysql://user:password@mysql-host/dbname?charset=utf8mb4"
Initialize database
# bash ./scripts/init_db.sh
Start develop web service
# poetry install -E mysql --no-dev
# poetry run python manager.py db init
# poetry run python manager.py runserver --port 8000
Deploy with dockert
# docker build -f dockerfiles/Dockerfile -t my-app .
# docker run --name mycontainer -p 80:80 my-app
- FastAPI
- SQLAlchemy version > 1.4